part 16

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I began walking down the stairs and saw... him. No not Hugo. My father. My heart skipped a beat. He was stood at the bottom of the stairs, opposite Hugo who was glaring at him looking like he was ready to rip him apart.

I stopped walking for a moment, hesitating if I should carry on. Hugo must of realised I'd stopped walking because he turned away from my father and to me, he nodded his head slowly gesturing for me to carry on.

I carried on down the stairs but swapped sides, I stood to the left. The side Hugo is on. Meaning I technaically broke the tradition of the family. Each women of the Delgado family from the past 300 years has held the right hand side bannister while walking down the stairs while their husband stands on the left. I glanced round the ballroom and some people looked furious.

I reached Hugo and immediately he pulled me towards him, "I told him to leave but he's refusing, I didn't want to do anything without your permission incase I upset you in any way." He spoke with a cleched jaw clearly trying to hide his anger. I saw Isabella hiding behind Marcus, clearly trying to hide her bump.

"Do it..." I mumbled. I've had to listen to him beat my sister and ruin my childhood. I won't let him affect the next generation. I watched as my father looked down at my hand. "Where's your purity ring?" He hissed while grabbing my arm. He wanted me to die a virgin.

Before I could process anything Hugo shoved him off me, "I'll make sure you don't go anywhere near Catalina again." The boy spat while holding him by his collar. I watched my mother stand forward, "Lina. Do something! Your father is the very reason you've been alive this long!" She raised her voice, infuriating me with her words.

"He may be my father and the reason I'm still alive but he will never be my dad. I was barely living untill the Delgados came along. Infact Lucia and Alejandro have been more parents to me then- do you want a repeat of your 13th birthday Lina?" My mother threatened making my heart drop as I looked between Isabella, Hugo and my parents.

"Hugo... let him go.." I mumbled. I can't chance it. Not with isabella. Not with anyone. I watched Hugo furrow his eyebrows as he opened his mouth, "but he- no. Let him go." I interrupted. I'm not risking anything. I know what they're capable of.

Hugo slowly backed away from my father who joined next to my mother once again, "smart choice. Now go ahead and dance with your husband." My father smile cockily knowing exactly what he's done.

I turned to Hugo, not sure what to say and just... hugged him. I buried my face in his chest and trued not to cry, "don't cry, people have it worse." I heard my mother's voice ring in my ears.

"Come on... let's go dance.." Hugo whispered softly while lifting my chin to look at him. I nodded my head and followed him.

He held one of my hands in his and the other rested round my waist, "they'll leave soon it'll be fine." The boy reassured me as I watched them walk over to Isabella. Oh god. I leant my head against his shoulder in frustration that I can't do anything about it.

Soon enough everyone was dancing with us, I felt him spin me round before I landed closer to him then before. "What happened on your 13th birthday?" He asked, he'd clearly been trying to work out what it was before hand.

"I uses to have a twin brother... by the end of the night.. I didn't.." I sighed not wanting to talk about it.

Once the dance has finnished we both began walking round, talking to all our guests. The parents were talking to eachother making the both of us extremely anxious all night.

Everything was going fine untill there was gunshots coming from the door. I watched as people screamed, some collapsing on the floor, some hiding behind furniture, all trying to run except a handful of people who reached for weapons.

Hugo, Alejandro and Marcus being part of the handful. I stood there, frozen in fear. Not sure what to do when I heard someone calling my name, "CATALINA! HURRY!" Isabella was calling while holding her arm out trying to get me to come to her. I quickly ran over and hurried her to a cupboard. We both squeezed inside as gunshots went off and screams of terror echoed through the hall.

I felt tears sting my eyes. I want Hugo. I felt Isabellas arms round me as she tried to get me to be quiet so we wouldn't be caught.

It felt like hours we were shut in there. I knew lots of people had died. I just wasn't sure of who.

After exactly thirty nine minutes, the gunshots stopped. I looked at Isabella unsure if it was a trap. I could hear sobbing. Lots of it. Then I heard Lucias voice, "you two stay here.. I'll find the girls..."
As soon as I heard her voice I knew it was safe to come out.

I unlocked the door and slowly pushed it open, not sure how bad it would be.

There was bodies everywhere. My parents... Alex, my body gaurd was leant up against the wall gripping onto a wound. That's when I saw them. Marcus and Hugo crouched down next to... Alejandro.

Oh god.. oh no.. I began walking over and placed my hand on hugos shoulder while sitting next to him. "Honey..." I spoke softly while pulling him in. Immediately he let out a sob. I felt tears falling down my cheeks as I hugged him. It hurt to see him like this. So... broken. I've never seen him cry. Never. Yet here he is. Crying into me.

All of a sudden, he stood up and walked up the stairs and into our room, slamming the door shut. I looked down at alejandro. He had been shot in the head. Blood was... everywhere. It was now on my gown too. Not that I'm worried about it but it proves just how much there is. I've only been out here a moment and I'm covered of other people's blood.

I stood up and walked over to my father's body. I don't know what I felt. But it made me cry. It's like this weight... it's been lifted...
I sat down and studied my father's features before leaning down and checking his pulse. He's gone. He's really gone.

I turned to just a few foot away where my mother lay. She was still breathing but it was clear she won't be for long. She was laying in a sea of her own blood.

I walked over and looked her in the eyes, "Lina... I'm so sorry.. please forgive me." She reached for my hand but I moved it away. "If you were really sorry.. you wouldn't have done it so many times." I replied before standing up and turning to walk off but stopping myself to look at her one last time, "sleep well mother. I hope I never become like you." I spat and began walking back up the steps.

I reached the bedroom and knocked on the door, "Hugo... Mi alma.. can you open the door?" No response. I tried to turn the door handle but it didn't budge, he's locked it.

"Please open the door... it's okay to be upset.." I sat down against the walk knowing it would be a while. I heard a sniff come from the other side of the door, "leave me alone." He barked but I didn't move.

"Do you need a hug?" I called out but once again no reply, "I'd like a hug.. please just open the door." I sighed. I need to make sure he's okay. "Hugo... even if you say your fine and you don't need a hug... I want one.. it doesn't have to be for you... for me." I heard footsteps and soon enough the door opened.

His eyes were red and puffy making it clear he was crying the whole time he was up here but that's not what I was worried about. He had blood dripping from his waist.

"What happened?" I quickly began asking him questions as I unbuttoned his shirt to look at how bad it was. "I think I got stabbed.. I don't know.." the boy mumbled while watching me.

I got to the bottom of his shirt and saw a cut about an inch and a bit deep and blood covering the whole of his stomach.

"Oh my god why didn't you say sooner!" I hissed while pulling him out the room and into the shared bathroom. I pushed him against the sink and grabbed the first aid kit.

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