part 13

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Over two hours ago Cat was took into surgery to repair the tissue in her shoulder and stitch up the bullet wounds. Meanwhile, I was sat in the waiting room praying she would be okay. I haven't heard anything since she went in and the anxiety was eating me alive. I know it's a simple surgery but I can't help but worry that she won't be okay.

I nervously tapped my foot on the floor when I heard someone call out her name, "Family of Catalina Delgado? Anyone?" I jumped up and watched as the nurse walked over to me. "The surgery was successful, she'll be awake in about half an hour. You can go see her if you'd like."

I began walking towards the room and saw her laying there peacefully, fast asleep. I placed a kiss on her head before sitting down. "Sir we have all her personal items in this bag here." A young man spoke while putting it down in the chair next to me. I nodded but didn't look away from Cat once.

She needs to hurry up and wake up. It felt like hours I was sat there for. Every minute was getting longer and longer so I decided to tell everyone else that she was okay. I pulled out my phone and began dialing the number of the house phone hoping one of the family members would answer. "Hello?" My mother's voice spoke from the end of the phone.

"Hey it's me" I spoke while standing up and walking over to Catalina, picking up her hand and lightly stroking it with my thumb.
"Guys Hugos on the phone!" I heard her call out, within seconds I could hear the rest of my family's voices all asking different questions.

"How's Catalina doing? What did the doctor say?" My mum asked, I looked down at my wife and smiled softly. "She's fine. She had to have surgery but she's okay, I'm waiting for the Anesthesia to wear off." I announced and immediately heard my family's voices again.

"Was she scared? She's never had surgery before!" I heard Isabella ask clearly concerned. "Yeah she was scared, the doctors let me go in untill she fell asleep though."

I kept answering questions for another ten minutes when I heard a small groan besides me. My head shot over and I saw her trying to sit up.

"No, no, no, no! Lay down." I instructed while walking over and helping her lay down again. "How you feeling?" I asked, completely ignoring everyone on the phone. "Fine.. everything aches though.." she sighed while reaching her arms out for me.

I leant down and hugged her, being careful of the wound and scared I'd hurt her. "I don't like getting shot." She mumbled making me laugh, "sorry... it was your idea though. I personally didn't want to do it." I tried to argue my case.

"Who are you on the phone to?" She asked looking at the phone in my hand. "The family." I watched her face light up. "I wanna talk to them!" She grinned as I handed her the phone and she began talking away to them.

God I love this girl.

I just sat there, happily watching her as she talked on the phone. I sat with a small smile on my face, glad that she's okay. It could have gone a hundred times worse today and it didn't. I don't think.. I never asked what happened when she was with them..

She eventually got off the phone and handed it to me, I raised it to my ear, "Hey we're going to go I'll probably spend the night here to be safe." I spoke into the phone not entirely sure who was on the other side. "Yeah okay I'll tell the others." Isabellas voice echoed. I can't say I'm surprised it was Isabella.

I put down the phone after hanging up and sitting on the side of the bed. I didn't say anything for a second as I tried to work out how to word my question, "Did they hurt you.. in the van.."

She shook her head before opening my mouth, "not really... I mean I have a couple of bruises from where they grabbed me and thats it.." she mumbled while reaching out and pulling me closer.

"Okay.. did they do anything to you though like... well.. you know.. touch you?" I trod lightly still unsure. Almost immediately I saw her mood shift. "Uhm... they tried to... but you got there just in time.. I got really scared though.. Two men they- Luke told them to use me as a reward.. and.. well they both began walking towards me and one started tugging down my jacket so it was obvious what was about to happen..." Her eyes filled with tears as she looked down again, playing with her fingers.

"Okay.. its alright.. I won't let anyone hurt you... because we killed Luke its likely a war might start between the two mafias... I'm going to get more men round the house. Lots more bodyguards for you... I might send you to a safe house actually, you can come back for the ball then leave straight after... I need you to be safe.." I began talking not really sure what I was saying however.

"You'll be with me right?" She interrupted making me look at her. I slowly shook my head. "No.. can't chance it... they want me. If they're able to catch both me and you because we're in the same place they'll use you against me... just like they already have. I can't chance it. Not untill we know its safe." I watched her face soften. She looked so upset. I'm the cause to all of this.. all her pain.

I placed a kiss on her head and let out a whisper, "Get some sleep before the pain meds wear off.." I advised before sitting down in the chair. "Please get in the bed with me.. If I won't be sharing a house with you soon I want to soak up as much of you now as I can." She begged.

I got up and layed down next to her, I felt her rest her head against my chest and her hand rest on my upper stomach. Her brunnete locks lay on the pillow. She looked so... so... unreal.

"Please forgive me.." I whispered as she fell asleep. Its all my fault. She's going to have to pay for something that was ny fault. It's unfair on her. She deserves better. She thinks I'm amazing. I'm not. I'm barely doing the bare minimum. She doesn't know any better though. The only other man she's knows in her life is her dad and he definitely didn't treat her right.

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