part 25

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"Merry christmas everyone!" I called out as I walked into the lounge where everyone was sat.
I looked under the trees and couldn't help but laugh at just how many presents there was.

"Merry christmas!" Lucia, Marcus and Isabella responded. I went to sit down with help from Hugo as he sat down next to me.

"Okay now all four of you are here, I got you all matching gifts so you have to open them at the same time." Lucia announced as she handed out a present to all of us.

I began opening it and saw that it was a jumper, to be specific a christmas jumper. I looked round at the others to make sure they had opened it too before lifting it up to get a proper look at it.

"Thankyou Lucia, you didn't have to get us anything!" I went to get up but she immediately stopped me. "I'll come to you!" She quickly stood up and as soon as she was in arms reach I hugged her as a thankyou.

"I got you a.... few.... gifts too." Hugo mumbled while looking at me. I grinned before placing a soft kiss on his lips.

"Just aswell because I've gotten you a few gifts too." I chuckled as I looked under the tree again.

"I'll grab yours for you." He offered while getting up and grabbing 4 different presents. "There are more but I just can't carry them all." He explained while setting them down infront of me.

"Dont worry mamá Catalina and I got plenty for you too." He smiled as he picked more presents up and placed them infront of her.

"Yours are down there in the corner, they'll have your name in them." I smiled as he took one final trip to the tree to get his own gifts.

Hugo sat back down next to me and looked at me, "We'll take it in turns, you first." He suggested as I ripped open then first present.

I let out a massive gasp when I saw the balenciaga bag that sat on my lap. "Look inside." He chuckled. I opened it and saw a smaller, prada bag. I clapped My hands in excitement.

"Open the prada bag." He instructed making my eyes widen. In it I saw a gorgeous Michael kors purse. I was speechless. This must gave cost a fortune!

"Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!" I squealed like a little girls as I kissed him. Eventually we had to pull away because well.. the whole family is here. They don't need to see that.

"Alright now open yours!" I grinned as I watched him choose out a gift. He picked up the smallest box and began unwrapping it. His eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the key. To be specific, the key to his new lambourghini.

"How did you afford this?" His smile grew with every second that passed as he looked between me and they key. "I had some things saved up." I replied with a smirk.

All of a sudden he smashed his lips against mine. I didn't think he'd be this happy, he has like 30 cars already. "Its in the garage, I got one of your men to park it in there." I explained as I pulled away.

"Thankyou Mi amor." He smiled before handing me a gift. I smiled as I began opening it, inside I saw the most gorgeous dress, it wasn't a maternity dress though. I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at it. It was gorgeous but too gorgeous. I won't have anywhere to where it.

"Its for any future balls we need to go to, I thought you'd like to have a pretty dress for it. Ofcourse I'd always offer to buy you a new one but this way you have an option. And if it doesnt fit for whatever reason ill haveit altered for you." He explained.

I looked at him and didn't even know what to say. I'm speechless. It's so beautiful. It deserves more then a thankyou. "I'm going to need a second to process why don't you open your next gift." I laughed, still in shock.

I couldn't stop looking at it. I eventually put it down so I could watch Hugo open his gift.

We all eventually finnished opening big gifts and moved onto normal sized ones.

"This says its for Catalina." Isabella called out as she organised out all the presents. I took it out of her hands and looked at Hugo, immediately knowing he had got it for me based off the poor wrapping.

Once everyone had a gift in their hands we began opening them. I opened mine and immediately looked at Hugo in confusion. He had gotten me a case of daggers.

"Im going to teach you how to use them so when I'm not here you can protect yourself." He spoke while opening his which was a expensive bottle if whiskey.

I opened the rest of my gifts which was mainly chocolate, which ofcourse being me I started eating it.

"Its ten in the morning how are you eating chocolate?" Hugo laughed as he sipped his coffee. I simply shrugged my shoulders.

"The babies hungry. It's your kid. Not my fault." I responded while taking another bite. He simply rolled his eyes jokingly and stood up.

"Where you going?" I asked while pouting at him.

"To get you some proper food." He called out as he walked into the kitchen.


We all ate breakfast before all getting ready for the day and taking some photos and currently eating Christmas Dinner.

"You two got any baby names yet?" Lucia asked, trying to create conversations. I looked at Hugo unsure what to say.

"I mean we both have a few names we like we haven't decided on any yet.. well we know if it's a boy the middle name is going to be Alejandro.. thats it really." I explained while pushing food round on my plate.

Everyone went silent, making me look up. Lucia had began tearing up. "Oh no please don't cry, you'll make me cry! I'm too pregnant for this. Is it because I brang up Alejandro? I'm so sorry we can change the middle name if you don't want us using it." I immediately began to panic.

"No, no there happy tears. Please don't change the name." Lucia smiled as she reached for my hand and gave It a light squeeze.

I grabbed the tissue box and handed it to her, she took one and wiped her eyes.

"Im glad.." she smiled softly at the both of us. We both smiled back, unsure what to say.

"Uhm.. anyone want more drinks?" Isabella spoke up, filling in the silence making me chuckle, she walked into the kitchen and returned with drinks for everyone.

Eventually everything was cleared away and we all went into the cinema room to watch a christmas movie, we settled on Elf and Lucia was first to go to bed halfway through.

"I might go up in a minute too." I pre warned Hugo as he would have to help me up the stairs.

Within 10 minutes we were both yawning. "Alright should we go up to bed then?" Hugo sighed as he stood up and offered his hand out to me.

I took his hand and he pulled me up, "night guys.." I smiled at Isabella and Marcus before we left.

"Why are there sooo many stairs." I whined as Hugo pulled me up. "Because we have a big house." He chuckled in response.

After what felt like hours we got to our room. I walked straight to the wardrobe and got changed into my pyjamas, aka Hugos shirt and shorts.

I climbed into bed and soon enough he got in too, wrapping his arms round me, "I love you mi amor." He whispered

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