part 31

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I watched the bullets hit Hugo. I watched as he fell to the floor, clutching onto his side. The fires stopped as everyone fell to the floor, the people who were firing went outside knowing no one could do anything but let themselves die.

Hugo began crawling over to me and Gabriela who was still screaming in pain. "Hugo... you shouldn't have come.." I whispered as he leaned against me.

I wrapped one arm around him,  he's going to die. It's clear. He's been shot at least 5 times and is losing lots of blood. I felt tears in my eyed as I held the two most important people to me.

"Cat... I love you... I've loved you since I first saw you... I always will love you... you were my reason... Cat when I met you... I was suicidal. You stopped me. You're the reason I'm still here. I will always be grateful to you because of that because now, I'm about to die and I do- no. Stop it. Hugo stop it. You're not dying! You can't die! I need you! You're my protector." I interrupted with tears pouring down my face.

I felt a hand on my cheek and raised my hand to hold it in my own. "You'll be fine mi amor. I know you will. You're a strong girl." He whispered as I watched his breaths slow down and his face get paler and paler with every second passing. His eyes slowly fluttered shut. We haven't got long. If we're going to get help it needs to be now and fast.

The front door burst open and Marcus stood, looking down at the men on the floor and then over at us. The three of us, each of us with at least one bullet wound. He jumped over the bodies on the floor and ran over to us.

"Holy shit. Holy shit." He whispered under his breath, not sure what to do.

"Get Hugo. I'll be fine with Gabriela." I wiped away my tears as I slowly stood up, putting as little weight as possible on my injured leg.

I watched Marcus practically throw Hugo over his shoulder and begin to lead us all out. "You both okay?" Marcus asked, not looking back at us.

"I'm fine... Gabriela is losing lots of blood though.." I choked. I can't lose both of them. Not in one day. Not ever.

We reached a helicopter, Marcus put Hugo on before helping me in with Gabriela before getting in the front himself and beginning to fly us off somewhere.


"Today we celebrate the short lives of Hugo Mateo Delgado and Gabriela Alejandro Delgado. A beloved husband and a beloved daughter. Now Catalina Delgado would like to say a few words." The priest announced.

I didn't feel like I was in control of my body. I felt... like I was drifting... my body knew what to do but my mind didn't. I stood at the front, not saying anything. Just looking at the two coffins.

I felt tears fill my eyes and my lip begin to quiver. I couldn't speak. I couldn't move. I was frozen. I felt my chest move as I tried to calm my breathing.

I began to unfold the piece of paper I had in my hands, glancing over the first sentence as I began reading.

"I can't believe this day has come so soon, I never thought I'd have to Bury my husband and child this young, but here we are. They meant the world to me, they brang me joy and happiness. They provided me with all the love I needed. I met Hugo when I was 18. He came to my house looking for a wife and we'll I guess he found one... I spent some of my best and worst days with him. He was my protector. He would do everything he could to keep me out of harm's way, I just... I just wish I could've done the same for him-"

I failed to keep it all in as I thought back to the day he died. Gabriela's 2nd birthday. I put down the piece of paper and looked down at the ground, trying to hide my tears. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Marcus picking up the letter and beginning to read.

"Hugo was an amazing man. He didn't deserve all he went through and I didn't deserve all he did for me. Multiple times he put his life on the line to protect my own. He died trying to protect his daughter and I." Marcus read aloud as I let my tears fall while looking towards the coffins.

"I still remember the day Gabriela was born, our house was under attack. I gave birth to her in the safe room, not your normal birth story but I wouldn't have it any other way.

I looked out front and saw everyone had their heads down, most people hate to show emotions in the mafia so I can only assume they're all trying to hide them.

The whole funeral I just sat there... and cried... the last few weeks have been hell for me. On the first day in the hospital, I found out they had both died within hours of each other. I just want them back.

I need them back.

The service came to an end and I walked up to the front to say my final goodbyes to both of them. We had to have a closed casket for them both because of the bullet wounds so it isn't a proper goodbye but it'll be the best I can get.

I placed my hand on Gabriela's coffin and rested my head against it, "mamá loves you, darling... sleep well.." I whispered before turning to Hugos.

I placed a single hand on the top and rested my head against it, "you can rest now... it's okay." I whispered before standing up fully and walking outside after everyone else.

I was about to keep walking straight when I heard a familiar voice calling my name.

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