part 26

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A months passwd and Im sat at home, Hugo was out of town today on a buisness meeting. I'm now 37 weeks pregnant so about 3 weeks untill I'm due.

I'm sat on the sofa watching movies as every day I'm getting more uncomfortable. Sitting down is still pretty uncomfortable but not as much as standing and walking round.

"I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair, I hate the way you drive my car, and I hate it when you stare..." the TV played as I watched. God I love this movie.

Suddenly I heard a bang. My eyes shot towards the front door. Suddenly a bodyguard ran into the living room, "Ma'am follow me." He instructed, I tried to get up but couldn't and looked at the gaurd for help.

He walked over and pulled me up before leading me towards a small room, "Whats going on?" I asked as I heard more bangs.

"Im afraid Mr Delgado has told me not to tell you." He spoke as he opened the door to what looks like a safe room. I didn't even know we had a safe!

Isabella was already inside with Lucia next to her. "Cat!" She called out as she jumped up and took my hand, helping me inside.

I sat down and they locked the door, "will one of you tell me what's going on?" I pleaded. I hate not knowing. Hugo knows that so why would he stop me from being told?

"Hugo said not to tell you... he doesnt want you stressing.." Isabella mumbled clearly wanting to tell me but not being able to.

"Fine I'll just call hi- Ow!" I held my stomach as I felt a shooting pain. Oh god don't let this be happening here.

I looked up at the others, they clearly know what's happening too. "Its fine it's probably braxton hick contractions.." and as if on cue, my water broke. Oh shit.

"Okay now you need to call Hugo." Isabella awkwardly laughed as Lucia got up and tried to clean up some of the liquid with random towels she had found.

My hands were shaking as I picked up my phone and pressed on Hugos contact, he answered almost immediately.

"Cat? You okay? You in the safe room, right? I'm on my way back. I'll be just over an hour." He spoke quickly, clearly panicked.

"Hugo my water just broke." I announced and I could practically hear his heart thumping. "Please hurry home. I need you." I begged, I could hear him telling the driver to hurry up.

"I'll be there as soon as I can. how are you feeling? Is anyone with you?" He began flooding me with questions as I rubbed my belly.

"Yeah... your mum and my sister.." I tried to answer some of his many questions when I felt another contraction and let out a whimper. Isabella was crouched down next to me rubbing my back.

"Please stop asking me so many questions!" I snapped at Hugo, over the phone who immediately went quiet.

"Sorry Mi amor. What would you like to talk about?" He apologised. I kept breathing in and out trying to get through the pain.

"Baby names. We never decided on names!" I replied sharply, hoping it would distract me in any way.

"Okay. Let's talk baby names."


"Im outside the safe room, Mi amor." He mumbled almost half an hour later. I had yelled at him multiple times already.

"O-okay.." I sighed, out of breath. I just want him. Lucia must have heard him because she immediately got up and opened it.

He walked in, shutting and locking the door behind him before rushing over to me, "Hey, hey you okay? How you feeling?" He placed a kiss on my head as his arm pulled me closer.

"It hurts... this is your fault!" I barked, taking him by surprise. He went quiet almost immediately and didn't say anything. Just looked away from me.

What did I do? He's mad at me. Why is he mad at me. "I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me." I grabbed onto his hand and tried to pull him closer.

"Im not mad at you, mi amor. I'm mad at myself for putting you though all this." He explained while hugging me as tears filled my eyes.

God I'm an emotional reck.

I let out another yelp as the familiar pain took over my body, this time it was so bad I started crying.

"Do you want to squeeze my hand?" Hugo offered while giving me his hand, I took it and immediately vegan squeezing it.

I thought I was squeezing a bit too hard but when I looked up Hugo didn't show any signs of pain. He just kept looking at me.

The pain stopped 30 seconds later and I rested my head against the wall, behind the sofa.

"There you go it's ov-" suddenly a loud bang let us know the bombs were continuing still, and getting closer. I could hear the house crashing down.

I looked towards Isabella and Lucia and saw both of them crying. I looked towards Hugo, he didn't seem to care. He was looking at me.

"When is this all going to be over?" I asked, praying he'd have an answer. "Soon, Mi amor. Soon." He responded while leaning in and kissing my forehead.


"Fuck, I can feel the head!" I sobbed as I held onto hugos hand through my contraction.

"What?! Oh god.. uh... your going to have to push then.. who do you want... well you know.. down there." He awkwardly tried explaining.

"Anyone but you. I want you next to me." I sighed as Hugo looked at his mum and my sister. "I guess I'll do it then since I have the most experience between the two of us.." Lucia awkwardly laughed as she stood up and walked over.

I pulled down my trousers and underwear with the help of Hugo.
"Cat in the nicest way possible, I know its going to hurt but please be as quiet as possible, we don't know what the people outside are looking for." Hugo held my hand in his as I got ready to push.

"Okay start pushing, Catalina." Lucia instructed. I bit down on my bottom lip so hard it began bleeding, desperately trying not to make too much noise as I began pushing.

"Your doing so well." Hugo whispered into my ear as I leant on him. I felt tears falling down my face from the pain before I heard crying.

"There we go. It's over now. You done so well." Hugo placed a kiss on my head before standing up fully to see the baby. Our baby.
"Its a girl! We have a daughter!" He gasped as Lucia held her up so I could see her.

"I want to hold her..." I mumbled. I reached out my arms for my little girl. I felt her placed on my chest and naturally my hands went over her.

*Hugos pov*

I couldn't take my eyes off her. She looks so.. perfect. She looks like her mamá. I looked round the room for anything to cut the cord with or clean her up but didn't see anything.

"I'll be back in a minute. I'm going to get stuff for the baby and Cat. Make sure to lock the door behind me and only open the door if your sure its me." I instructed as I stood up and walked towards the door.

I opened it slightly and looked round the corner to make sure no one was there, it's safe. I stood out and shut the door, praying they'd lock it.

I began walking towards what was left of the kitchen. I need scissors and water for Cat.

I began opening the drawers and quickly found a pair of scissors when I felt a gun to my head. Shit.
"Well if it isn't Hugo Delgado. How's the wife?" I heard a familiar snicker. One of my many enemies.

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