part 15

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The rest of the evening I was pretty much attached to Hugo by the hip. I was too scared. I hate flashbacks, they can completely change the path of my day.

Currently, everyone is in the dining room eating dinner, I'm to the left of Hugo, apparently its tradition in almost every mafia that the boss sits at the head and his wife sits to the left of him.

I pushed the food around on my plate with my fork. Hugo must've noticed because when I eventually look up he was looking at me, "do you not like it?" He asked while putting down his own knife and fork.

"No I do.. I'm just not really in the mood to eat it right now... sorry." I tried to explain as everyone in the room looked at me. It wasn't even just the family, about 50 different workers were sat down the opposite end of the table.

I watched in confusion as he pushed back his chair then untucked mine. "Come on. Let's go into the garden then." He spoke while grabbing my hand with one hand and pulling me up.

We walked, hand in hand, down to the swing. I sat down on it and he stood behind me, lightly pushing me back and forth. "So what's up?" He asked, breaking tje silence.

"Nothing it's silly... earlier when I had that flashback it's just ruined my day.. I keep thinking about my dad... and what he'd do if he saw how I act now... I haven't seen him in 10 months yet he has a hold over me still." I sighed while stopping the swing and turning to look at him.

He didn't say anything just pulled me up and placed his hands in my waist, mine automatically go over his shoulder and round the back of his neck.

"He can't hurt you. Not anymore. I'm here to keep you safe." He locked eyes with me before leaning down and attaching our lips. "Now I say... we go get in the bath and start celebrating our anniversary early." He grins sheepishly making me laugh.

Before I can do anything he picks me up and wrapping my legs round his waist. I Bury my face in the crook of his neck too embarrassed to show my face.

We reached his room and he sat me down on the bed before walking into the bathroom, I heard the tap running and a moment later he walked back into  the room.

"Come on then." He spoke while reaching out his hand for me to take. I followed him into the bathroom and immediately he began undressing me before himself.

He got in first then helped me in. I rested my head against his chest and took a deep breath, "can I ask you something?" Hugo suddenly spoke up, breaking the silence.

I nodded my head and turned to look at him, "you don't have to answer but what type of stuff would your parents do to you?" He asked. I didn't know what to say. I turned back round and looked at the wall.

Neither of us said anything for a while, until I finnaly answered his question. "One time... my dad used a knife and wrote the words whore on me because I looked at one of his guests weirdly apparently. Then once... I didn't get out of bed when my mum told me to... so she chained me to the bed for 6 days.. another time... I was locked up and starved for 2 weeks... it was horrible.." I mumbled trying not to cry.

"Im so sorry... I shouldn't have asked... and next time I see either of them, it'll be the last time anyone sees them. I promise." He placed a kiss on my temple.

"Im so scared that when we have kids... I'll do the same thing.. its not like my parents from day 1 knew they were going to end up abusing us. It started out as accidents. They'd be yelling at us and knock over a vase and it would scratch us, we'd behave because we became scared. They must have found it affective because they began doing it more... what if I end up doing the same thing?" I spoke.

I felt horrible admitting it. But what if... what if I can't stop the cycle? I'll be a terrible mother.
"Mi amor... look at me. I wouldn't let you get that far and I don't think you would. You've learnt what it's like to be the child in the situation. I know you well enough to know you won't put anyone through what you have." Hugo whispered while pulling me closer to him.

I really don't want to hurt my kids. I need him to stop me no matter what, "Hugo promise me something. No matter what, if I ever hurt our kids you'll put a stop to it immediately. Kick me out. Divorce me. Lock me up even. Promise me you'll stop it." I pleaded. I could tell he was reluctant but he nodded his head.


"You look gorgeous." Isabella sighed as I spun round in my dress. Today was the day of the ball. It was a gorgeous, sparkly, white corset dress with a thigh Slit and puffy sleeves and a ball gown skirt. My hair was Dutch braided to the side of my head so it would sit on my shoulder.

I feel beautiful. I was in my old room as in the tradition your not supposed to see your husband of wife untill the ball has started. The husband greets all the guests at the door before standing at the bottom of the staircase ready for his wife to walk down the stairs.

I applied the last touches to my makeup and sprayed Hugos favourite perfume. He said it makes me smell like a rose. I could already hear the music and chatter of guests. I looked down at the bandage on my shoulder and saw that for once, there wasn't any blood on it. Thank god.

I heard a knock at the door and called for them to come in. It was Alejandro. "Wow your look amazing, are you ready to walk down the stairs?" He asked before I nodded my head.

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