part 28

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"Okay so we've stitched up your husbands wound and out him on pain killers, your all stitched up, your daughter has had her check ups. You'll both be fine. Make sure to get plenty rest and congratulations." The doctor nodded before being escorted to the door by a gaurd once I had thanked him.

I looked next to me and saw Hugo passed out on the bed. I chuckled as I played with his hair before I heard Gabriela sturring in her sleep.

Quickly, I jumped to my feet and picked her up just in time to stop her from crying. I rocked her from side to side before sitting down on the bed. She was still sturring through. Maybe she's hungry.

I pulled down my top and began to feed her. I picked up my phone and opened my messages. One from... Alex? What? It can't be.

He died. Months ago. I clicked on it, "Hello, this is Alex's wife. I know that your husband is Hugo Delgado and I'm hoping you can convince him a favour for me. I need money for my hospital bill from when I had my baby. I can't afford it. I'm so sorry to of had to ask."

Oh god. I forgot about her. She must be going through so much! Bless her.. God I don't know what I'd ever do if I lost Hugo. I'd be hopeless.

I looked towards him and saw him fluttering open his eyes. "Hugo... can I have 50,000 dollars?" I asked making his eyes widen.

"Why do you need 50,000 dollars exactly? I pay for everything you want and need." He chuckled as he sat up and looked down at my chest, making him smirk.

"Its not for me.. its for Alex's wife... she can't pay her bills.. she's messaged me asking for money... I want to give her enough to last her long enough to adjust to everything... and maybe a yearly payment.. doesn't have to be lots... but her husband did die to protect me.. its the least we can do." I mumbled, trying to explain but getting more shy with every second his eyes were on me.

"Mi amor. Look at me." His voice spoke, I looked up at him and saw he was smiling.

"Ofcourse, I think that's an amazing idea. I'll send her a check and a letter." My husband explained as he moved himself closer to me before pushing our lips together.

He pulled away from the kiss and looked down at Gabriela who I was still feeding. "She's just like me, can't get enough of the boobs." Hugo smirked making me laugh.

I pushed him away as I pulled my top back on and burped Gabriela.
I began undressing her down to her nappy and signaling for Hugo to take off his shirt. He quickly chucked it too the floor before I handed him Gabriela.

"So I just lay her on my chest? For how long?" He began asking countless questions, I simply just patted his shoulder and stood up, walking towards the bathroom.

"Wait where are you going? You can't leave me with her I don't know anything about babies! Especially girl ones!" He called out making me laugh.

"Hugo I am bleeding from my vagina unless you want me to bleed out on the sheets, I need to go to the bathroom. You'll be fine." I rolled my eyes as I shut the door.

I could hear him talking to our daughter, "your mamá highly over estimates me sometimes you know? The only thing I'll ever be good at dad wise is killing any boy who hurts you. Or any girl! You never know. Either way I'll love you." I could hear him laughing to himself on the other side of the door.

I stood up and washed my hands before opening the door, I walked over to my side of the bed and grabbed my phone, taking a photo of the two most important people to me.

"She's so cute.. just like her mamá." Hugo smiled as he rubbed her back softly making me smile as I sat down next to him and rested against his shoulder.

"She's going to be able to reject so many people when she's older." I joked making Hugo laugh too.

Within an hour all 3 of us were fast asleep on the bed together. I had my head rested against Hugos chest while Gabriela was asleep on mine.


I woke up first the next morning and looked at the clock which read 8:37am. I carefully stood up while holding Gabriela in my arms and placing her down in the cot before walking towards the bathroom.

I shut the door and turned on the shower, letting the water fall over my body and hair.

Within 10 minutes I could hear Gabriela crying. I didn't do anything at first hoping Hugo would get up and sort her out but it didn't stop.

I grabbed a towel and walked towards the door, "Hugo! Hugo wake up!" I hissed as he slowly opened his eyes and looked towards the cot.

"Yeah okay... whats wrong with her exactly?" He asked as he got out of bed. "Well I don't know! You have to work it out!" I rolled my eyes as I shut the bathroom door again.

I finnished in the shower and got ready for the day, drying my hair and doing some light makeup. I walked out and didn't see Hugo or Gabriela.

I looked out the door and saw my husband walking up and down the stairs repetitively with her in his arms. I laughed as I gestured for him to come back into the bedroom.

"So the only way to get her to be quiet is walk up and down the stairs like loads." The boy muttered, clearly half asleep still.
I took Gabriela from his hands and placed a kiss on her head as I held her close to my body.

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