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In the following weeks, Eden's cast was able to be removed as well as the bandages on her leg, revealing yet another nasty scar but Eden took it all in stride, making a speedy recovery and she and Gabriel were finally able to enjoy quality time with Kokabiela and the triplets. 

"Poor things are exhausted." Aziraphale murmured as he returned from checking on his daughter and son in law in the living room. It was nightfall now and Eden and Gabriel had put the children to bed. 

"Did they fall asleep on the sofa again?" Crowley asked. He was finishing up washing the dishes. 

"Yes." Aziraphale confirmed. "I don't know how they manage sometimes…."

"Heh, there were times when we barely had the energy with just one kid!" 

Aziraphale laughed and nodded in agreement. "That's true dear boy."

"I'm pretty tired myself." Crowley continued. "We've been working nonstop with Adam to get Soho back into shape."

"Abraxas and Raguel have helped tremendously as well." Abraxas and Raguel, a demon and an Archangel, friends of Eden who helped her and her family escape from Hell a few years ago. The two of them had decided to make a new life for themselves on Earth in Wales and once they had finished restoring their new home,  they had reached out to Crowley and Aziraphale and the husbands were more than grateful for the extra help. 

"I heard on the radio this morning that Mayor Loquacious has declared the city safe to return to." Crowley said as he dried his hands off with a towel. 

"Good." Aziraphale murmured as he took Crowley by the hand. 

"That means that we can rest now and focus on helping Gabriel and Eden as they prepare for the twins' arrival."

Crowley grinned from ear to ear. "Twins…..I still can't believe it……" 

"Nor can I dear boy, but let's get some sleep shall we? We've all had a long day."

Crowley nodded in agreement. "Go on Angel, I'll be up in a minute." As Aziraphale made his way to the guest room upstairs,  Crowley walked into the family room and sure enough,  there was Gabriel and Eden, snuggled against one another, both of their hands on Eden's stomach. She was starting to show and Crowley felt tears of joy sting his eyes as he tucked a blanket around the sleeping couple. 

"Pleasant dreams my angels." Crowley murmured but as he walked away Eden opened her eyes. 

"Hey Daddy." Eden sat up and stretched. The movement woke Gabriel instantly. 

"Eden, what's wrong? Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine sweetheart, just needed to stretch."

"Perhaps we should head upstairs since we're awake." Gabriel surmised. 

"I didn't wake you, did I Queenie?" Crowley asked fretfully as he and Gabriel helped Eden to her feet. 

Eden suppressed an eye roll. "No Daddy I'm fine. Thanks for the blanket by the way."

"Do you need anything before bed, Edie?" Gabriel asked gently. Eden thought for a moment and replied. "I have a sudden hankering for some vanilla ice cream and peanut butter. If it's not too much trouble."

Gabriel helped Eden to sit back down comfortably and rushed to the kitchen to fulfill his wife's request. 

"Can I get you something Eden?" Crowley asked. "How about some cocoa?"

"That sounds like a wonderful idea dear boy." Aziraphale said as he entered the family room, holding baby Koko with the triplets and the dogs following him.

"Oh hi Papa, what's going on?"

"Koko was acting fussy and I found the children awake. They wanted to ask you and Gabriel something."

"Ask us what?" Gabriel replied as he returned with a bowl of vanilla ice cream coated in creamy peanut butter. Just the way Eden liked it. 

"Can we have a family slumber party?" Gallifrey asked. "To celebrate you all coming home and Mummy getting better?"

"And our new brother and sister!" Polaris declared. He shrugged when everyone looked at him.

"What?" Polaris shrugged. "Mercury and I want a brother and Gallifrey wants a sister, so we're going with both."

Within minutes the family room floor was dotted with seven sleeping bags and a bassinet for Kokabiela while Crowley made more cocoa. 

Gabriel meanwhile made sure that Eden was comfortable as he propped her up with extra pillows. 

 "I don't think this is a good idea Eden." Gabriel murmured. "You're still in recovery and need a comfortable bed to sleep in."

"But I am comfortable, Gabe." Eden reassured as she finished the last of her ice cream and cocoa. 

"Especially since my family is here."

Fortunately, Gabriel seemed to relax a bit as he watched Eden stroke Hellraiser and Star. The Archangel even smiled as he saw the triplets and the puppies huddling around Aziraphale who was sitting on a thick tartan quilt. Gabriel chuckled as he watched the triplets and puppies scramble to get comfortable as Aziraphale quietly snapped his fingers and a thick book appeared in his lap.

Crowley sat near Gabriel and Eden, holding baby Koko as she happily nibbled on Marshmallow. 

As Aziraphale began to read, the triplets quickly settled down with their signature plush animal and the puppies curled up into tight little balls, falling asleep within moments. 

Gabriel scooted his sleeping bag closer to Eden’s sleeping bag. The Archangel instinctively curled up next to his wife who whispered softly. "I'll let you know if I need anything, beloved. Rest now, and may you dream of whatever you like best."

Aziraphale closed the book when he was certain that everyone was asleep. He glanced at Crowley, who was curled up next to Kokabiela who was tucked away in her bassinet.

Aziraphale smiled as he placed the book on the couch and carefully maneuvered around the triplets and puppies. 

When he reached Crowley's side he lay down and pulled a blanket over them. "Mmmh." Crowley grunted. 

"Hush dear boy. It's just me."

Crowley let out another grunt and said, "Hey, Angel, I was thinking that another way we can celebrate is that we have a family meal at the Ritz."

"That's a wonderful idea, love. But we can talk about this in the morning, let's get some sleep now shall we?"

Crowley nodded and then grinned as Aziraphale pecked him on the lips. "Good night Crowley."

"Good night, Angel."

The angel's blue gaze traveled over each member of his family and murmured, "Good night my darlings. May you all dream of whatever you like best."

Bad Omens 8: Ye Saga Comes To An End Where stories live. Discover now