Tear oh dear

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"My Cassie,

I know that while your reading this letter, you will be confused as to how you feel.

I understand that and I honor it, but firstly I want you to know that I love you, and I left because I had to.

You've been waiting for this letter for a while now, I know that, and I'm not sure what the date that your reading this will be.

I'm writing it now on 24th may 1978. I don't know when you'll get it as I'm not sure when I'll feel ready to give it to you.

I knew that you came to Dallas looking for me, I was informed only 20 years back, and the informer also mentioned that you had changed, not for the better or worse.

This is only the first part of what I have to say,

The next installment will come soon,

Love forever and always,

William x"

He was right! How did I feel? One part of being a vampire was the ability to flick the switch controlling your emotions, you wouldn't have to feel anything.

Suddenly I stopped.

He left me. Not a sorry. No proper explanation. Just a promise of another letter.

I broke down and sobbed almost silently to myself, until I felt Ariana' familiar arms encircle me as she slid down next to me on the floor.

She was comforting the way you might comfort a child , murmuring things in my ear, trying to calm me until I was able to be reasoned with.

And for some reason this didn't bother me.

I allowed the last centurys feelings to tumble out and allowed myself to have comfort from my friend.

Damons POV

I could hear the crying as I neared Veritas, and I knew instantaneously that is was Cassandra. It was the same way she had cried when mother had died.

The silent sobs followed by desperate gulps of air, then louder howling sounds, and repeated.

It was the tears that Cass cried when her heart had broken, when she realise Mother was no longer here to help.

It was the cries of my sister.


I rode my new stallion towards the paddock, noticing as I got closer that the strange choking sounds were unmistakeably Cassandra.

As I unmounted one of the stable maids took care of the horse as I knealt down to see what could have happened to my twelve year old sister.

"M-m-m-mo-mothers go-gone." Cass sobbed into my chest.

Out of the three of us we had always been the closest.

Then it registered what she had just been told.

Mother was gone.

Which meant one thing.

She was dead.

*end of flashback*

I had never heard her cry like this.

I would kill whoever did this to her.

Without bothering to knock, or ring the bell, I slipped into the drawing room, and was confronted by a blonde vampire cradling my sister.

"what happened?" my voice barely above a whisper.

I knew that if it was any louder, cass wouldn't hesitate in ripping my head off.

"I do believe that I'm the cause."

We all turned to face the intruder.

Blonde sandy hair, Brown eyes, medium build

"You bastard" blondie snarled before she maliciously jumped onto him, fangs beared, ready for action.


you all hate me I know :(

I know that I said I wouldn't upload till 20 votes but I realized that was impossible and people would lose interest.

How are you all?

Have a nice Easter hollidays (spring break) and if you vote and comment I might find time to write another chapter......


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