The party

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Cass's POV


I had been in New York for two days now, with Elena , Bonnie, Caroline and Ariana for a 'girly' weekend to commemorate my birthday. I suppose that I should be more excited really considering that it was my special day, but I have had 165 of the damn things, so I do apologise if I'm not in the right mood for it.

However, I wasn't going to let one of my frequent mood swings effect the weekend, which wasn't as bad as I had first imagined- so far.

Elena and co. Were bouncing off the walls because we were staying in The Four Seasons. Ariana had made sure that we were stayin in my favorite room, and it wasn't exactly your standard hotel room. It consisted of a living room type area with purple and green couches which I had fell in love with the first time I had stayed in this room. There were 5 bedrooms coming off of the living area, all with queen size beds and themed decor.

"Cass! Hurry up and get changed, we'll be late for the meal!" Caroline's voice hollered for what felt like the 100th time.

Today was Halloween, which coincidently was also my 166th birthday. Yay!

Caroline had promised that it would just be a quiet meal, and maybe going to a club afterwards.

The only catch was that tonight in the club it was masquerade, meaning that I had to wear a mask.

I was dressed in a silver glittery strapless dress which reached mid-thigh, teamed with black glittery ankle boots it was the perfect combination. My mask was a mixture of the two colours that I had aqquired whilst living in Paris in the 70's.

I stared critically at my reflection in the mirror.

"Right then, let's get this show on the road" I muttered to nobody inparticular.

When we got down to the cab that was waiting for us, Ariana stopped me before I got in.

"You need to be blindfolded. You see the restaurant is a bit of a surprise." she told me with a worried look on her face.

Reluctantly I agreed, after all, it might be fun.

Damons POV


If everything was going according to plan then Cass would be getting into the taxi now, and they should be here in 20 minutes.

The house was amazing, It had been decorated as if there was a ball going on, everything looked so beautiful in red and black. I had even managed to get hold of Cassandra's favorite flowers- Black Roses.

"Listen up guys! Cass will be leaving the hotel now, so be ready for the signal to shut it.Okay?"

I shouted down to the 1689 vampires that were now milling about the various rooms that had been set up especially for tonight. All the vamps had been informed that there would be humans in attendance so to be careful and behave themselves. Of course not everybody had turned up yet, however I knew that they would not be stupid enough to turn up until they were sure Cass was here and the surprise had taken place.

My Phone bleeped as I was scanning the room looking for any imperfections. I wanted tonight to be perfect as then there was some chance that both Stefan and I would be forgiven for whatever had happened between the three of us in the past.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and looked at the text from Ariana.

"Alright guys, silence! They'll be here any minute now." I spoke slightly above normal level, just incase they were too close.

Cass's POV


We had been in the car for roughly 15 minutes, and there had been endless chatter from the girls about Mystic Falls.

At the moment I couldn't wait to get out of the car, and out of the blindfold that was irritating me and probably messing up my carefully straightened hair.

The car pulled to a stop, and I still had no clue where we were. The only thing that I could deduce was that we weren't on a main road anymore as it was practically silent apart from the sounds of the girls getting out of the car.

Bonnie helped me out of the car "Just make sure you hold onto my arm, I'll guide you to the door!" were the instructions that I was given.

Elena took my other arm and I was led up some steps. I could smell roses and alcohol- I was impressed already. We came to a stop and there was movement as someone took my blindfold off.

I opened my eyes

"SURPRISE!" hundreds of my friends chorused. I looked around and couldn't help the grin that appeared on my face.

We were in the Salvatore house in New York, with all the friends that I had made over the years. And I could not be happier.


I'm soooo sorry for not uploading sooner.

I decided to let you fill in what happens at the party, the next chapter will be up within the next couple of days and it will be a run up to Christmas

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2011 ⏰

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