Chapter Three: 22/23

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*** This is the last chapter of back story, I think. I'd like to start moving the story forwards from here, so I hope you're ready! It's about to get real. ***

Through high school, our hatred fueled competition pushed us both back to the national top 5. At the time, Kevin was preparing to go off to college, and I was dating that hot violinist that I'd met. Unfortunately for me, my hot boyfriend, who was great with his hands, was in Kevin's class and had to break up with me during his senior year so it would be easier for him to leave for college. I spent the rest of my junior year and my senior year dating my way through the trio, which wasn't quite as awkward as it sounds. I dated Kirstie first, but that didn't last for very long. Then, I dated Scott for about a month, maybe two. My relationship with Mitch was the most fulfilling of the three and I dated him until I went off to college, much like my hot boyfriend. The four of us promised to keep in touch.

After a year in college, I was financially stable enough to get my own apartment off campus. I wasn't in the best neighborhood, but I was really close to a hospital, which could never be a bad thing. Scott, who had just transferred to my school that fall, was helping me move in.

"Yo, Avi," he said in a low, mocking voice. "Where does this box go?"

" I think those are pots, so those go in the kitchen."

He nodded and scampered off into my kitchen with the large box. With the two of us working as quick as we were, we had everything moved in in almost no time at all. We called Kirstie on Facetime and she placed all my furniture.

"Move the couch over next to that window!" She shouted from my phone. I pushed the couch into the light beaming in through my window and turned to get a nod and thumbs up from Kirstie before turning my iPhone in another direction. "Okay, do you have a table or something?"

"I have three tables. One for the main room, bedroom, and one for eating."

"Don't eat tables. Put the short one over there."

After about two hours of rearranging, my apartment was all put together in a way both Kirstie and I agreed on. I decided to use the extra room that I didn't know I had for additional storage until I got everything else together.

I spent most of my first week deciding which spot was the most comfortable for me to do my homework in, which ended in me buying a desk to sit in the corner of my "storage room." Since I'd finished my pre-requisites, I didn't have as much homework as the average college student. IT didn't take loge before Scott was inviting me to every party he was going to. Of course I wasn't about it, but he was having fun and getting his work done, so I didn't say anything about it. He was a partier at heart.

"You sure you don't want to go?" He'd ask, like I hadn't given him the same answer every time. "You might actually like this one. It's very chill." No party he ever went to was "chill." Chill by his standards probably meant you could walk around without seeing someone doing a line a coke. No, Scotty's not that bad. It probably just had less alcohol. I studied a little before hauling ass off to bed. It didn't take long before I fell asleep on the softest mattress ever.

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