Chapter Eleven: Bygones*

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*** As usual, my confidence in this chapter is wavering. It's a new experience for me as a writer and for you as a reader. This chapter is different from everything I've written so far. I'm VERY nervous and afraid. Comment/Vote/Follow ***

The silence in my apartment was palpable. I looked over just in time to catch Kevin looking at his nails with furrowed brows. I rolled my eyes and unmuted the tv. I was starting to catch up on The 100, a show Mitch had recommended to me. Something about a bi character, but I hadn't seen any yet. Everything was so interesting! There were so many realistic characters and so much development.

"He's not going to die." Kevin pulled his phone out of his pocket and started scrolling through twitter. "If he was going to die, he'd be dead already."

"And how the hell would you know that?"

"I've seen this show. When they kill people, they don't hesitate." He yawned and switched his legs around. "Plus, I've already seen this episode."

"I didn't ask you if he was going to die or not!"

"Oh well. Now you know."

"Aren't you too old to be petty?"

"Aren't you too old for Lord of the Rings posters?"

I stood up and pointed at him as I spoke. "Lord of the Rings is a classic!"

He folded his arms and refused to look up at me and instead glared at my tv as the episode continued. "I don't have time for this."

"Then leave!"

"I made a promise. I don't leave until I eat."

"Promise to who? You didn't say shit."

He stood up. "Just sit down. You don't have to talk to me. I'm waiting for my friend to come back."

"I was unaware you had friends. There's never anyone in your apartment with you."

"If that's some ploy to talk about my sexual activity, it's not working."

"I don't care about your sex life!"

He looked down at me skeptically and raised his eyebrows. For some reason my hot neighbor popped into my head. I couldn't get the naked image out of my head, and then I remembered who my neighbor was.



"Do you have two floors?"

"Yeah. Why the fuck do you care?" He took a sip of the water bottle he was holding when Scott dragged him out his house. I almost wanted to puke. I pulled my hair back with my hands and avoided looking at him. "What?"

"You should pull your curtain down all the way..."

"You look in my window?" He stood up in front of me with his fists balled.

"Until today, I didn't know it was you. It's your fault for not pulling it down!"

"It's your fault for being a pervert!" He shoved me causing me to fall back on the couch.

"What? Do you want me to apologize because you don't know how to pull a fucking curtain down?!" I stood up and pushed him with the same amount of force he used on me.

"I want you to apologize because you're fucking gross," he spat as he shoved me again.

I had never wanted to punch someone as much as I did in that moment. I was usually against violence, but Kevin always pushed the right buttons to get my fists balled up. I pressed my hands against my hips and looked down with my eyes closed to calm down. Kevin shoved me again.

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