4 / Nightmare

119 11 3

- Implied death
- Mentioned death
- Non human things
- Idk man
- It's really really short
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Dream sighed as he rubbed his eyes, feeling absolutely exhausted. "How was the movie?" George asked when he got home, grinning a bit at him. "It was good, scary though." Dream smiled, ruffling his hair. After a few minutes talking about it, they both went to bed.

Dream curled up in his bed, just being more comfortable like that. Patches joined him, laying on his legs and purring softly. Dream smiled, putting one hand next to her before he drifted off.

Dream's eyes shot open, the air around him changing immediately. He was still in his bed, did he wake up? It didn't feel right in his room, though. He got up slowly, jumping when he felt a hand around his ankle. He was pulled under the bed and then he was back in his bed.

Dream didn't get up that time, staring at the floor he had just been on and watching something crawl out from under his bed. It didn't look human, but it was hard to tell with the lighting. He turned the light on and regretted it when something jumped on his face.

Dream was back in his bed with the light off. He stayed in bed again, not turning on the light or getting up. He stayed there for a while until he heard a scream. He ran to George's room, seeing as it was the closest, before checking Sapnap's room. He saw the ravenette dead on the floor and covered his mouth, backing up. He felt a sharp pain through his back before he was back in bed.

He got up after the thing crawled out from his bed this time, carefully leaving his room and going to George's. He shut the closet he saw was slightly open and woke George up. He tried to, at least. George didn't wake up, so Dream turned on the light and prepared to be in his bed again. He was still there? Huh. Dream kept it on and went down to Sapnap's room, trying to wake the ravenette up instead. Nope.

Dream huffed and closed the window, a random box Sapnap had in his cupboard and then he left the room. He didn't end up back in his bed until he was pushed down the stairs. He was back in bed, obviously, and he didn't know what to do.

Dream got up and did exactly what he did before, but then he laid down with Sapnap. He was in his bed again and decided to just stand up, confused when he wasn't grabbed. He flicked the light on and prepared to get sent back to bed but he wasn't.

He went out and saw his best friends going downstairs. Was that just a dream? Or well, a nightmare?

"We'll see you soon again, Dream~" 

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