26 / Amputation/Missing limbs

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- Amputation / Missing limbs
- Ground collapsing (or walls ig)
- Blood
- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dream hummed to himself as he kept mining out the large hole, glancing over to Sapnap, who was helping him. "Why'd you need this hole dug anyway?" Dream shrugged. "One of the others tried to make one but ended up breaking their wrist, so I'm helpin' em out. Thanks for your help, by the way." Dream smiled, getting a grin and a thumbs up from Sapnap.

They chatted a bit as they continued to break through layers of stone, eventually taking a break together.

Dream handed Sapnap a lunch he made, having already eaten too large of a breakfast to still be hungry. "You made this yourself?" Dream grinned. "Mhm." Dream hummed, nodding a bit as well. He went to say something but stopped when he heard a few small rocks hit the floor behind him.

"Sap, I think we should get out of here." Dream mumbled, a few more rocks falling. Sapnap played it cool and said they shouldn't worry about it.

Dream reluctantly agreed, though he kept an eye out just in case. It wasn't too much longer when Dream noticed a few bigger rocks falling. He pushed Sapnap out of the way, in turn getting one of them to fall directly on his leg. Dream heard the crack before he felt it. The ravenette quickly tried to help him get it off, but it was too heavy to just pick up.

They were too deep to just climb out of the hole, it was a ten minute climb up at least for Dream if he was at his peak. For Sapnap, probably closer to 20 minutes- just due to the lack of as many things to grab.

"Go and- just- try to get out of the hole-" Dream forced out, trying not to cry or hiss or react to the pain anymore than he was. Sapnap didn't know how to react or what to say, so he just listened. He managed to get out of the main lot of ground that fell, only getting caught by the lower legs.

It still hurt really fucking bad, but he could get them out without breaking anything from the looks of it.

Meanwhile, Dream was buried. There were some gaps between the rocks so he could still breathe, and those over him were mostly held up above him enough so he could only just sit up. But shit, he couldn't feel his leg.

He knew the painless part was probably the adrenaline, but the fact he couldn't feel it whatsoever? That was worrying. Dream slowly looked down at his leg, nearly gagging at the sight. He wasn't even sure if that was his leg for a second there.

He tried moving it a bit, finding that he couldn't even get it to twitch slightly. Dream looked at his other leg, moving it a tiny bit- okay, that one was still moveable. Good. He took a look at his arms, finding both of them were in good enough condition- they got slightly cut by the rocks.

Dream knew, deep down, what he was going to have to do to get out of there. First, he was going to try and dig out. But.. he had a feeling that leg wasn't going to get out from under that rock.

Dream went to grab his pickaxe but found it was stuck under another rock. Well, he always had his hands, he supposes.. He carefully started to move rocks around, desperate to get out. He managed to move enough of them so he could see the surface, but of course, he managed to get his hand stuck as well.

Dream tried to move the rock over and off of his hand, feeling as it seemed to try and tear his hand apart with every small push.

He pushed more rocks out of the way, deciding he'd try and get a clear path before he had to resort to any... desperate measures. Dream would like to keep his leg and his hand. He got his clear path, but there was no way he could get out like this.

Dream hesitated before he grabbed his axe, biting down on his sleeve as he hacked through his stuck leg. He screamed into the cloth, tears running down his cheeks.

Dream knew he would've died by the time Sapnap got out and back with help if he didn't force his own escape. After that, he did the same to his hand and climbed out. He felt the blood spilling from each of them, but that could be solved soon enough. Or not, either way.

"Sap?" Dream called when he reached the top of his exit tunnel, thankful for how normal and composed he still sounded. Sapnap looked directly at him and his eyes widened, tears filling them. "You're alive."

Dream nodded. "Do you have bandages?" Dream forced himself to stay collected, even as he bled like all hell from the two stumps he used to have a hand and a leg connected to. Sapnap winced as he pulled his legs out of the rock pile, walking closer to Dream to give him a roll of bandages.

Dream quickly bandaged the two stumps, wincing at how quickly they were soaked with blood. Yeah, he'd have to go to a hospital about this soon.

Dream pulled himself completely out, leaning heavily against the wall. "What- what the fuck-? Your leg-" Dream didn't know how to explain. "Let's not.. Not worry about that right now." Dream forced a smile, the pain finally catching up with him. And fuck did it hurt.

His leg gave out under him, leading to Sapnap needing to catch him. "I'm okay- get out of this dumb hole, get someone and I'll still be here." Dream instructed, trying to keep his pain as invisible as he could.

Sapnap hesitated before he forced himself to climb out of the hole, his legs hurting a lot. He couldn't exactly get Dream to do it, though. 

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