30 / Rotting/Cannibalism

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- Cannibalism
- Murder
- Blood
- Eating people
- Bodies
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He hated it. Dream hated what he was forced to do to stay alive. He hated how he was curled up, surrounded by the bodies of all the doctors and scientists that were missing various body parts. Dream hated it because he knew he had to do it.

He never felt bad for the people- he didn't have that ability. He didn't understand what was so wrong about it from the perspective of humans. Dream hated it because it brought him pain afterwards.

They were sent in to die, and yet they always punished Dream for doing what he was made to do. In some ways, Dream was human. He ate, drank, slept and needed social interaction. He was born like any other human, he had the appearance of one, but he wasn't raised like one.

Only a few hours after he was born, he was isolated from all other forms of life. He was given animals and taught to kill them and then eat them.

Dream was sent a human one time and told the same thing as always. He hesitated at first because he didn't like the idea of hurting something that looked like him, but after sometime, he gave in.

Dream remembered the blood splattered all over the floor as his fingers tore through the person's skin. He remembered the taste of the human's flesh in his mouth. Dream also remembered how long he was yelled at after that situation, being told he shouldn't have given in and eaten the person.

He had avoided eating for the next few days to try and not get in trouble again. Dream had eventually gotten to the point where the scientists believed he knew, even in a starving state, not to harm humans. So a group of them went into his room.

That's what led to his current situation. Dream wasn't hungry anymore, at least. He heard a static noise along with someone trying to whisper something and he quickly killed that person, their neck cracking as he put extra weight on it.

He began to move all the bodies into a pile in the corner and then he sat in the opposite corner, hugging his knees to his chest. He ignored how the blood rubbed off on his white clothing- he didn't have anything else to wear, unless he took their clothes. That was actually a good idea, in his opinion. Dream stripped all of them of their clothes- they didn't need them anyway! It wasn't like they were going to walk around anytime soon. He changed into one of the corpse's clothes, smiling to himself.

Dream didn't move again until he got hungry. He ate a few more limbs before looking through the clothes for anything, soon finding a small card. Dream hummed to himself and went up to the door that he saw people go in and out through, holding the card up to different areas of it until it opened.

He smiled widely and walked out, surprised by the lack of security measures. He had overheard some talking about how this place was supposed to be extremely secure.

He wiped the blood from his mouth and started walking around, wincing a bit at the alarm going off. Worst case scenario, they'd try to kill him and fail. After all, so long as he ate at least once every year, he couldn't die. 

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