31 / Free-day (Wings)

114 9 2

- Wings
- Blood
- Cutting off wings
- Plucking feathers
- Kidnapping
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

He was always told not to leave the village, he never understood it though. He was told it was dangerous, but people in the village were sometimes dangerous too. Plus, he was being trained how to fight against the danger, so why couldn't he go out? It was never explained to him, everyone seemed to assume he knew.

He'd ask why he couldn't go out and fight the danger, but the adults always laughed at him! Even the kids in the village told him he was stupid for asking.

They never understood. Dream crossed his arms and hugged his knees to his chest, listening to another kid tell him about how dumb he always acted. The only people who didn't treat him like an idiot were a family that consisted of a human, some nether-hybrid and two avians, like him.

Dream liked the Minecrafts, they were like family at this point. He spent more time with them than he did with his own family. "Go pick on someone your own size, you jerk!" He heard a familiar voice call, making him look up.

Wilbur! Dream smiled at the human, his wings spreading out a bit in a welcoming manner. "Hi Dreamie, wanna see the song I've been working on?" Dream nodded eagerly, quickly shifting over so Wilbur could sit next to him.

"Oh yeah! Tech and I were planning to sneak out into the forest, wanna join us?" Dream grinned, nodding. "Yeah!" He exclaimed, making Wilbur chuckle. After a bit more conversation, Wilbur showed Dream the song he was making.

Dream gave his thoughts about it, praising how incredible it was but also pointing out small bits that would sound smoother if he tweaked it just a tiny bit. After Wilbur changed those bits, he tried playing it again and got extremely happy by how much more together it sounded.

An hour or so later, Wilbur, Techno and Dream were sneaking out into the forest. Dream kept his wings tightly tucked against his back to avoid being caught because of them.

They walked in between the trees, not bothering to keep track of the way they came from. It wasn't until it was turning dark that they realized they had no fucking clue where they were. "This is okay- Uhh- Dream, can you fly up and find what way the village is?" Dream grinned at Techno and nodded.

"Yep!" He exclaimed, spreading his wings and lifting himself up into the air with them. He looked around, trying to find where the village was. He flew around a little bit before starting to go back down to the ground.

Before he could, a net was suddenly around him and his wings got caught, making him fall where he was. Fuck, that hurt a shit ton. Dream tried to get out of the net while crying out for help, only managing to get even more tangled.

He heard rustling from his side and looked over, seeing a group of people smiling and cheering about finding him. "Put it to sleep, then we can take it with us. We don't want those wings to get injured.." Dream was knocked out quickly after that.

Dream woke up to someone cutting the net off of him, but he couldn't move. He didn't know why, especially now that the net wasn't stopping him. "It's a drug they gave you." The person cutting the net off of him hummed, not bothering to look at him.

"Who are..?" Dream forced out, only managing the two words. "I'm a mercenary, those other dudes are hunters." The person explained, talking to him for some reason.

"What will-" He was interrupted. "They want your wings and feathers. I'm guessing that, since you have unique wings, they'll cut them off, force you to heal, pluck the feathers and then make you heal again." Dream's eyes widened, what? They couldn't do that! It wasn't right, surely this person was joking.

They stopped talking to him after that, seemingly fine with leaving him slowly beginning to panic more and more.

It wasn't until the group from before showed up with multiple bags that he realized it wasn't a joke. "Hold it down, to be safe." Two people were quickly holding his arms and legs down, even though he couldn't move them. The other two walked over and one of them held one of his wings still, the other grabbing a saw to cut through it.

Dream could barely breathe due to his pure fear, his entire body shaking. Dream couldn't stop the scream he let out when they started cutting through the wing, blood quickly beginning to flow out.

Tears ran down his face as they finished cutting through. They moved to cut off the other wing next, the blood making a puddle underneath him. They healed both of them, the pain of that almost worse than when they were cut off.

"What do you say, should we heal it before we let it go, or leave it wingless?" The person who was now taking out his feathers one by one asked. "You know birds who are robbed of their wings can't survive." Would he be able to keep his wings, despite the whole situation? "Wingless it is, then."

After they were done taking all the feathers from one wing, they did the other. Dream couldn't even make a sound because it hurt so badly. He ended up passing out from the blood loss.

He had no clue how many more times his wings had been cut off or stolen of every feather, he just knew that in the end, he was thrown back into the woods with two small stumps where his wings used to be. He also knew that they were burnt before they were cut off this time, leaving burn marks on his back.

Dream tried to move but it quickly ended in him being unable to breathe due to the pain. He didn't try again for a bit, too afraid of the pain. Dream eventually did get up, though it still hurt too much to move quickly. He slowly limped through the forest, trying to find some kind of house, or even a cave to sleep in.

He hoped Techno and Wilbur were okay.. He came across a town, though it wasn't where his family or friends were. "Hey, are you o-" One of the townspeople started, though Dream collapsed and backed out before they could finish.

Over the course of the next few days, he slowly healed enough to move around. The pain never got good enough for him to run again, not for a few years. Dream eventually grew used to it enough to live with it.

Dream met two of his best friends, George and Sapnap, a few years after what he referred to as 'the incident'. He had trouble doing the manhunts but he acted like it didn't hurt at all.

He didn't tell a single one of them about what happened to his wings, he just said he was human to avoid talking about it. Dream decided, eventually, to start his own server with them. At that point, he barely noticed the pain coming from his back anymore.

Dream avoided any regen or health potions, not wanting to add to the pain of the stumps on his back. He started to wear a mask, so he wasn't found by the same people again.

Dream had started inviting people, and so far it was going well. That was until he was asked to add Tommy and Wilbur. He recognized the names and panicked, needing to make sure he didn't look like his old self.

The only thing was his name, but that was fine- lots of people had the same name! He took a few days to relax before inviting the two, greeting them happily and trying to act as though he had never met them before.

"Hey uh- Have you met someone who has your name, but has blonder hair, green eyes, freckles and wings?" Dream shook his head. "No, I'm sorry." He apologized- maybe, in a year or two, he'd tell them.

He never got that chance. Eventually, Techno and Phil were invited. Phil recognized him as an avian immediately, slowly bringing up the topic of his wings. It was then that Dream introduced himself and explained what happened to them, showing them the injuries.

It just so happened that a few days after that, he accidentally got a regen potion on the stumps while trying to heal a relatively bad cut he got.

Dream called Phil immediately when he realized, begging him to get over to him as quickly as possible. He could already feel the bones of his wings trying to recreate themselves and push what was already there away.

Dream collapsed and curled up on himself, crying out in pain. He heard his bones slowly cracking as new ones tried to grow. It was a terrible idea for him to have not gotten the stumps of the wings surgically removed.

There was a certain point of injury where the potions wouldn't affect it at all, but he was just behind that line. Because a certain part of the wing hadn't been removed, they wanted to grow when the potions gave them a boost.

Unfortunately, they wouldn't be able to work regardless because of a different part being entirely severed, therefore taking away his ability to even move them.

He heard a knock at the door and didn't think before crying out that Phil could come in, letting out another scream just after he managed to get that out. The older man rushed in, taking a look at his back.

He had to make cuts in Dream's back to let the bones go through. In the end, Dream had two half formed wings covered in blood, no control over them and a puddle to clean up. "Cut- Cut them off-" Dream forced out, barely able to breathe.

"What..?" Phil didn't expect Dream to immediately want them to be cut off. "Do it! Please!" Dream didn't want anybody else to see them, he didn't want people to have a reason to come after him again. Dream didn't want wings. 

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