27 / Plant Growth

62 6 1

- Vines growing really fast
- Fire
- Mazes
- - - - - - - - -

Dream stared at the maze with wide eyes, wishing he hadn't been invited. It was harmless, he knew it. It wasn't a maze he was going to be trapped in while it- Dream shook his head. He had to silence those thoughts, go in and prove to himself he wasn't back there.

Dream started to walk in, his hands shaking like all hell. He ran as far in as he could before he tripped over, his arm brushing up against the bushes and causing him to see a flash of smoke.

Dream dug his fingers into the ground before standing up, breathing heavily as he slowly walked forwards. He kept telling himself he was on the SMP, that he wasn't back home. He reminded himself he was an adult now, not an eight year old stuck in a maze.

He sat down for a bit at one point, deciding he seriously needed to calm down. Dream wrapped his arms around himself as he just breathed. He had to keep telling himself that the pain building all over his body was just his imagination.

It only took someone calling out his name for him to dive head first into a flashback. He went back to when he was a kid, one of his most vivid memories.

He felt the leaves brush his hand first before the vines had started growing out towards him. He smelled the smoke before he saw it. Dream's mother had told him to stay still, that she'd find him. He had been standing there for what felt like forever and his mother still hadn't found him, making him wonder if she was lost as well.

Dream looked at a vine growing out towards him, staring at it curiously. It started to wrap around his arm but he didn't think much of it, not until more vines started to trap him. He started to pull at them to get them off, but they just got tighter.

Dream started crying, sobbing for someone to come get him. He started coughing from the smoke surrounding him slowly, screaming in fear as he saw the fire getting closer.
Dream begged for his mother to come get him, for someone to get him away and help him.

He saw the fire engulf him. It didn't hurt, it was burning hot but he couldn't feel it as it burnt through his skin. He passed out from the amount of smoke he inhaled, feeling the vines continue to tighten and surround him just before he did.

"Dream! Hey dude, hey-" Dream couldn't hear him, especially not above his own cries. Sam didn't know how to help, hesitating heavily before he hugged him. He hugged the man in hopes of calming him down. 

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