Christmas H/Cs

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- oh boy oh boy oh boy does Marcus LOVE Christmas

- Like the second the weather gets cold he wants the tree and decorations up. And sometimes it's too hard to say no to such a handsome face.

- One year it's literally the 1st November and he's already begging you to put up the tree.

- BAKING!!! Doing some Christmas baking together is a MUST

- Christmas cookies, gingerbread, those cute little candy cane filled biscuits you see on Pinterest; you name it, you and Marcus have tried to make it.

- Though it's never long before baking together turns into a flour fight

- The thing that surprised you most is Marcus HATES reviving gifts.

- You would've thought that his love for the holidays reached to gifts but OH GOD NO

- growing up Marcus never really got gifts over the holidays, and if he did, it wanst much

- So when you come into his life and try to shower him with all the words wonders it can sometimes be too much for him

- So after a teary eyed first Christmas together, you made sure to find a compromise and boundary for gift receiving

- HOWEVER, when if comes to giving gifts to you? Marcus spends the whole year finding the perfect gift for you.

- He has this cute little red notebook, that you bought him your first Christmas together, that he writes things in all year round. You like this? Noted. You need this refilling? Noted. You want this? Noted.

- His gifts are always extremely thoughtful and useful and you think he's so sweet for it.

- Holidays with Marcus are the best

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