Reacting To You Cutting/Dyeing Your Hair

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- 100000% loves it

- No matter what change you make to your hair he loves it cause he loves you

- At first low-key thinks you were cursed or something because you left work yesterday looking one way and you've come back completely different

- But once you explain it to him he asks if he can help dye it/cut it next time

- Definitely starts giving you nicknames based on celebrities and stuff who have similar hair cuts/colours

- "Cut it out, quicksilver." "Very funny, lava girl."

- "The 70's called, they want their hair back."

- Immediately is gassing you up

- Non stop "looking good doll face" comments for the next 3-5 business days

- Jokes about you doing his hair for him and then about how you shouldn't quit your day job

- Low-key keeps stealing glances at you

- Asks you why you didn't do it sooner because he think it looks so good, maybe even better then before.

- Immediately asks for pics of you with the new hair so he can make it his contact photo and lock screen

- Freaks tf out

- He loves it! Of course he does. But he has no idea what to say

- Poor boy spends so long deliberating over which compliment is better that it gets to near the end of the day and he hasn't said anything and you begin to think he hates it

- Bound for the compliment to come out at the worse possible time; there's a nine-way argument in the break room and he just blurts out how good your hair looks

- Gives you a wobbly smile and thumbs up and you couldn't have asked for anything else.

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