Superstore boys saying 'i love you' for the first time

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- literally shaking in his cloud 9 branded work boots

- spends weeks, months even, practicing saying it in the mirror until he builds up the courage to do it to your face.

- not scared of saying it because of himself. He knows it to be true that he loves you more then anything else in this world. He's more scared that he'll say it and you'll give his this blank stare while you whisper an apology that you don't love him too. (It wouldn't be the first time that's happened).

- doesn't plan an extravagant moment or anything to say it to you, but he does want it to be intimate; just the two of you.

- when the words come out his hands are shaking and he can't meet your eyes, until you lean in close, nudge your nose against his cheek and whisper to him 'I love you too' with a chaste kiss to the corner of his mouth.

- once he says it for the first time, he's never not saying it to you.

- "I love you, babe." "Hey, babe, I love you." "Because I love you will you grab some cheese-it's in the store for me?" "I love you, but I love Kraft Mac and cheese more babe, get used to it."

- doesn't think it's as much of a big deal as the others, but still finds himself nervous to say it to your face.

- plans a nice dinner for the two of you with all your favourite foods and your favourite movie and dessert for afterward

- when it comes to the actual moment that's when the nerves finally hit

- though Garrett spends most of his time flirting with you and acting all confident around you he just crumples. For the first time in a long time he's actually nervous to what May happen.

- you're cleaning up the dishes claiming you had to after he'd put all the hard work into making the food and Garrett comes up behind you, pulling you into a kiss. And then another and then another before murmuring it against your lips.

- you press one more chaste kiss to his lips and lean back with a wide, glistening smile. 'I love you too.'

- the amount of relief Garrett felt when you said it back!!!! He'd never admit how nervous he was that day, not even to you. He couldn't let you know the power you had over him.

- Freaks tf out

- he's spent more time then the two of you had been together planning on how he would tell you he loves you.

- he plans the most elaborate day out for the two of you, a trip to the park, a picnic, row boat ride into the lake, a long stroll through a flower garden and then dinner at your favourite restaurant

- however, all of that goes to shit when he calls you up to ask you to bring him home his jacket that he'd left at the store and he ends the call with 'see you when you get back. I love you.'

- a brief moment of silence takes over the two of you as Jonah hastily mutters out 'I didn't mean to say that' before hanging up on you

- you tucked the phone into your pocket with a wide smile on your face, picking up his jacket that you'd already had among your things before heading back to Jonah's place as quickly as you could.

- the second you open the door Jonah's apologising, saying that 'I didn't mean to say it in a good way, of course I meant it! How couldn't I? I love you more then anything! This just isn't how things were supposed to go and-'

- before he can get out another word, your grabbing his by the collar of his shirt and pulling him against you, kissing his passionately before pulling back with a bright grin. 'I love you too, J.'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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