Boys Like You

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"What if you wrote a fic thats like garrett x reader x jonah x reader x marcus x reader??

Like a love square, and then with multiple endings?

Idk if you write poly but one could be poly, one could be with jonah one with garrett one with marcus!

Its like reader is younger and Cheyenne sees her as a sister, and reader tells her she likes someone in the store and the three boys start like subtly fighting over her and being nicer towards her??

Bonus points if she at one point sits on garretts lap because garrett and lapsitting?? Yes pleaseee"


"It's sweet." You replied taking another sip of the strawberry smoothie that Jonah had brought up to the break room with him from the stores café. "Very sweet. I like the strawberry though."

"You think?" Jonah asked, knocking the bottle closer to him before bringing it to his lips and taking one long sip. "I think I should've got mango."

Letting out a giggle, you brought your hand up to cover your mouth, pink dusting the apples of your cheeks at you laughed at Jonah's statement. Taking in a deep breath, you picking at the skin of your nails, turning back to look at Jonah.

"There's always tomorrow, J." Jonah let a sweet smile curl onto his lips, scratching at the bottles cap with his nails.

"Yeah but you won't be here tomorrow to try it. It's the best part of buying smoothies." How sweet. Too sweet, almost, the compliment forcing your flushed face to stay pink, now burning hot as well.

"Share it with Garrett, I'm sure he'd love to try." You joked, picking up your sandwich and biting into it, finally getting around to eating your lunch now that you'd tried Jonah's drink.

It had become an odd little routine between the two of you: Jonah would buy a new drink from the café once or twice a week and let you have the first sip, then you'd come to your verdict and debate about its rating. Though it seemed like a fun little game to you - an attempt to work his way through the drinks menu of the store - it couldn't have been further from the truth.

Sure, Jonah enjoyed trying different and new things all the time, but it was mostly a way to make sure he got to spend time with you. Cloud 9 could be more then chaotic, but this bi-weekly shared lunch break was a guarantee that he could spend time with you and hopefully - if Jonah had any day in things - help win you over.

It was no secret Jonah had a crush on you - amongst other people in the store - and though it seemed apparent to everyone else, it appeared as though you never caught onto the brunettes feelings.

"I'm sure you're right about that." Jonah mused, taking another large sip of the smoothie.

"When am I not?" You asked, taking another bite of your lunch as you watched Jonah: his hands picking at the label on the bottle and pulling the plastic material away from where it had been stuck down.

"Very true." He replied, a warm smile forming on his face as his eyes flickered between you and the now empty smoothie that spun between his fingers.

"What time do you get off today?" Jonah asked, his eyebrows creasing in thought as he spoke, continuing to fiddle with the empty bottle.

"Ugh, at 6. I was meant to finish at 4 but Amy asked me to stay till Cheyenne's shift finished too. Don't think she wanted her to man the jewellery counter alone." Though you loved Cheyenne, and would walk to the ends of the earth for her if she asked, you didn't love the idea of being kept behind at work for 2 hours longer then necessary. Not even for Cheyenne's sake.

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