Boys Like You: Marcus's Ending

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"I know I'm not the best, or the brightest, or... well, any good for that matter. And I know that there is certainly other guys out there that could be better for you then I am. But, I like you."

You didn't like the way Marcus was talking down on himself. He always exuded confidence around you; always pushed himself to act his best, be his best, and try his hardest. Never once had he shown you such vulnerability and you were a mixture of scared and honoured that he now was.

"I like you. And even if I'm not the smartest, I've got the heart. I'll be there for you when the rain starts to pour or the heat of the sun is too much you to bare, I'll be there for you when you need your water bottle opening or you can't find your keys, I'll be there for you for whatever you need me for. I'll be there for you when you feel like you don't need me at all."

"Marcus..." Your words came out a whimper, lips trembling and hands shaking at the sincerity and sweetness of his words. Whoever had given him the impression that he wasn't worthy of the love he wanted, you hoped was suffering.

"My point is, I care about you a lot, y/n. And I would really love to be something to you, if that's what you want as well." Marcus's hands fell to his sides, in what appeared to be defeat, a blubbered sigh slipping past his lips as he poured his inmost thoughts out into the open for you.

For you.

"Marcus, I- I don't know what to say."

"That's okay, y/n. I didn't think you'd feel the same, I thought I'd shoot my shot anyway." Marcus's hands tucked into the pockets of his warehouse coveralls, rocking on the heels of his feet as he avoided your eyeline. His head turned back in the direction of the store, nodding at it then back at you. "Get home safe."

"Marcus, wait." Wrapping your hand around his wrist, you pulled him to a stop, and stepping closer to him. Where did you even begin? Blunt and simple seemed to be what worked for Marcus. "Don't talk about yourself like that."

"Even if you think it's true. I like you, okay? I like you a lot. I like how you're always around when I need a bottle opening, or when I need someone to spend lunch with." Your fingers left their grip on his wrist, running up his arm and meeting the rolled up sleeve of his coveralls. Scratching at the material, you continued your journey up his tall frame, fingers falling at the nape of his neck as playing with the tuffs of brown hair there.

"I don't want you to be smart, or be the best. I don't want you to be anyone, or anything, else. I want you to be you, Marcus." Marcus's jaw hung loose, staring down at you as your arms wrapped fully around his neck, pulling him chest to chest. "Because I like you, Marcus."

"Woah!" Marcus gasped, hands fumbling to rest on your waist, at the close proximity. "You like me? Like, like like, right?"

"Yes, Marcus. I like like you." You smiled up at the taller man, a big, wide grin covering his face, dimpling his cheeks. "Kiss me?"

"Fuck yeah." Marcus whispered, leaning his head down so his lips could meet yours. His nose nudged against your own before his lips met yours, a silent question of 'are you sure?' Pushing onto the tips of your toes you spotted your lips against Marcus's, slowly moving against the warm flesh.

As you moved to pull away for air, Marcus dove back in, forehead knocking against you though you didn't mind, in a clash of teeth. The eagerness was sweet, and flushed out the sudden impact of his head against yours. His hands tightened around you, pulling you closer to him and starting to lift your feet from the floor. Pressing two hands against his chest, you pulled back, smiling dopily up at him.

"So, what now?" Marcus asked, hands looped around your waist as yours snaked back up to wrap around his neck; a furious blush covering his cheeks as he buy back a smile.

"Well, I was thinking maybe you could take me out to dinner, two or three times, and then ask be to be your partner? Maybe I'm just thinking too far ahead there but-"

Marcus cut you off with a series of chaste kisses across your face: starting at your temple and ending at the corner of your mouth. "This day just keeps getting better and better!"

Marcus pulled you into a tight hug, laughter bubbling past his lips as he quick fired questions at you, determined to know how much you liked him and for how long and you happily answered each and every single one with patience and a loving smile.

The pair of you hadn't exactly decided to keep things a secret, it just never got brought up with other, not understanding why anyone would need to be privy to the most private and special part of your life.

It was no secret Marcus was dying to show you off though, and fortunately that day would come sooner, rather then later, for him: Mateo walking into the warehouse to find your back pressed against the wall and your legs wrapped tightly around Marcus's hips, kisses being furiously pressed into your neck.

Now that, was bound to start a story; a rumour spreading like wildfire around the store that the two of you were together before Mateo had even left the warehouse that day. Though thankfully, this time, your 'crush' was confirmed to be the handsome man you got to go home with every night, and didn't have people trying to win you over.


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