The Prince and the Frog

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"Pls fanfic of y/n marcus n froggy boy
Reader wears a frog hat n a frog sweater to the store and bring the froggy boy PLEASE? aaaaaah I LOVE THE FROg

(Can be read a SOTS S2 aligned)


Gerald had been sitting in his new home for the past week: lounging between the lake and the small grassy area filled with little sticks and rocks, dining on the finest crickets and mealworms your pay check could afford, he was truest living his best life. Though you couldn't help but feel like he needed more.

Sitting in the same enclosure every day surely wasn't enriching, so you decided it was only right to take him on a trip to the outside world. And clearly the store was the best option for such a trip.

Your love for frogs was well known amongst your coworkers; Mateo buying you the most beautiful green sweater in the store secret Santa exchange last Christmas, a small, green frog embroidered on the centre surrounded by red and brown mushrooms. It had taken a weeks worth of convincing from Amy to get you to take it off after you'd been given it, completely falling in love with the sweater and the cute froggie on it. Plus it was super comfy.

Pulling the gifted sweater over your head, you straightened out the oversized material, sleeves pulled over your hands as you pieced together an outfit worthy of going to the store on your day off. Jeans, shoes and socks were the obvious additions to your outfit, however something felt missing, and the longer you stared in the mirror the more obvious it became. Running back towards your closet, you pulled out the wicker basket that was filled with hats, scarfs and gloves alike, digging through it until yours hands settled on the rougher material of a green bucket hat. The matching green bucket hat had a wide smile etched onto its centre, two semi-circles standing proudly at the crown of the hat, comically large eyes completing the image of a frog that now rested atop your head. It was perfect.

Heading towards Geralds enclosure, you reached inside, pulling out the frog from his earthen home and placing him into a smaller version of the tank that stood in your bedroom; potable and the very thing you'd brought him home in.

Gerald was now ready to join you on your trip to the store, the pair of you like twins as you marched out of the apartment with his safely in your hold, hands clasped round the plastic casing.

The walk to the store was usually a little long, but with your earphones popped in and Gerald by your side it passed by in no time. As you approached the big, sliding doors, you took a deep breath, for some reason nervous approaching the store on your day off - or maybe it was the frog get up and frog in hand that was making you nervous. Were you even allowed to bring pets into the store? You couldn't remember what the policy was but you were sure Glenn wouldn't mind.

With a slow and deep breath outwards, taking a step into the store and immediately being hit with a wave of sound and buzzing energy - you couldn't say that you missed being here on your days off, not when the constant noise and business could be so overwhelming. Sometimes it was hard to think why you even enjoyed working at such a busy place.

"Y/n! Y/n! Babe! What are you doing here?" Marcus was jogging towards you within seconds of you walking into the store, a wide, lovesick smile covering his face. Bounding towards you, he came to a sudden stop, reaching out and wrapping his arms around you. However, as he went to pull you close against him, he felt a sharp point press into his stomach. "What is that?"

Holding up the small enclosure for him to see, you turned to so Gerald would be in view. "It's my frog." You answered shyly, a smile curling onto your lips as proudly gazed upon the tiny creature.

"The Gerald?!" Marcus gasped, eyes wide as he pressed his face against the plastic container, coming as close to Gerald as he could without either touching. "It's an honour."

"You think?" You whispered, nervous that you'd done the wrong thing by bringing Gerald to the store, knowing it was defiantly a slightly odd choice to make.

"I know." Marcus concurred, eyes leaving Gerald to meet your own, a reassuring smile encouraging your actions. "Is he here to meet everyone?"

"Yeah, I think so." Pushing a piece of hair behind your ear, you nervously avoided Marcus's gaze, beginning to think it was weird to bring your frog to work rather then to bring your friends back to meet your frog. "Only if they want to."

"I know they want to." Marcus grabbed one of your hands tightly in his own, letting the other hold Gerald safely in your grasp, and dragged you towards the customer service counter, where Amy, Jonah and Garrett were stood talking.

"Guys! Look at y/n's frog!" Marcus's enthusiasm for something that brought you so much joy only made you like him even more. It was sweet that he cared so much about things that made you happy. "Isn't he so cool?"

"A frog?" Amy asked, breaking away from the clipboard in her hands to look at what you'd brought over, a smile curling on her lips as she took in the scene before her. Marcus's hand was squeezing your own and you'd never looked happier in that jumper. It was sickeningly cute. "Let's seen then."

"Is that even allowed?" Despite his question Jonah came over to look at and observe the slimy boy, asking you question after question about your pet frog, his genuine interest making your smile even wider.

Jonah and Amy asked plenty of questions about the frog, and even if they were just being attentive for the sake of it, it was nice to receive some interest about your love for frogs. You knew the care he needed inside and out, could talk about different species and where they were from and what they could do for hours if someone let you.

"You want to see, Gare?" You asked as Jonah and Amy walked away from you and Marcus, both all questioned out and with more knowledge on frog then they ever could've needed.

"I'm good doll, not a big fan of slimey things." With the simple statement Garrett left for his break, leaving you and Marcus alone at the customer service counter, and a frown on your face.

Marcus immediately noticed the change in your mood, gently taking Gerald from your hands and placing him on the counter top. "Why the long face, gorgeous?"

"I'm just upset Garrett didn't want to look at my frog, I know he doesn't like them so I can't blame him, but it still made me sad."

"Come 'ere." Marcus squeezed you into a hug, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. "Gerald makes you happy, which is what matters, doesn't matter what anyone else things - not me, not Amy, not Jonah and not Garrett."

Hiding your face in his chest, you let out a contented sigh, smiling into the materials of his coveralls. Pulling back, a smile had made its way onto your face once more, making a bright one reappear on Marcus's face too. "My Prince."

Marcus's face flushed red and the simple yet sweet compliment, nuzzling his nose into your hair with a murmur of "My frog" pressing serval, chaste kisses to the crown of your head before pulling back with a dopey smile.

"Let's go and show him to Glenn!"


Part 2 coming next week!!

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