The 4 Times You Knew Garrett Was In Love With You, And The 1 Time He Admitted It

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"seeing as you're doing garrett x reader requests ..... any chance i could get a "watching garrett fall in love with you" one shot????"


It started with the cute nicknames. He'd called you 'Doll' in his usual, teasing tone - but something about it felt different that time. Maybe it was the way his gaze lingered on you for a moment too long, or the way he laughed and looked away from you when you asked him if you had something on your face.

Whatever it was, it was different, new, but a welcome change all the same.

The nicknames didn't stop after that - not that they'd ever gone in the first place, Garret having called you 'pretty girl' the first time he met you. Not that you'd want them to stop - they were sweet, endearing and made you feel special.

You never noticed him calling anyone else the sweet names that seemed to be reserved just for you, and it made your heart beat faster and your cheeks grow warm each time he used one.

Unfortunately, you weren't sure if you'd ever get over them.

However, you were sure that Garret liked you, had a crush on you, whatever you wanted to call it. And your thoughts were only confirmed as Jonah cornered you in the break room one day, telling you in hushed whispers how Garret would not stop gushing about you.


Then it was the random acts of kindness. He'd make your coffee for you; a fresh, steaming cup of the liquid, and just the way you liked it too, would be sat in front of the seat next to his in the break room each morning.

If he went out of the store to buy his lunch, he'd bring back something for you. Meatballs from his favourite Italian place, a cupcake from that cute, little bakery Jonah forced him to go to, a sandwich from a store that wasn't cloud 9.

When he got snacks from the vending machine, he accidentally put in the wrong numbers, your favourite snack falling out, so he just had to give it to you instead.

How he always seemed to have plasters tucked away in his pocket for when you inevitably gave yourself a paper-cut, or tripped over a stack of boxes (or your own feet) and grazed your hands and knees.

Of course, you thanked him profusely, and always offered to pay him back, to do it for him next time, but you were always met with a refusal - that he didn't expect anything in return, he was just thinking of you.


Next came the touching, no matter when or where you were.

In the break room, knees touching beneath the table, a warm mug of coffee that he had made you that you took occasional sips from in between your hands. His hand falling to rest over the back of your chair, subconsciously pulling you into his side, or, resting gently on your near-connected knees rubbing small circles into the flesh.

Leaning against the customer service counter, Garrets hand fiddling with the zips of your jacket or a loose thread on your top. His hand fiddling with the material and carefully avoiding brushing against the skin of your stomach or wrist - wherever he had decided to mess about that time.

His hand on your lower back as he escorted you across the car park when it was late, dark or when his hand rested on your thigh as he drove you home; claiming walking or waiting for the bus was too dangerous so late at night.

You relished in the closeness, though you wouldn't admit it, and you knew even more so that Garret was falling for you.


Your favourite thing by far thought was how he wanted you to share in the little delights of the day.

Seen a cute dog come into the store? Damn right you're getting a photo. New song he's listened to? You're getting a recommendation or he's giving you one of his headphones. Free donut holes in the store cafe? He's stealing more then a handful for you to split.

No matter what it was - big or small - Garret wanted you to enjoy it just as much as he did. And the thought of his actions alone were enough to realise, after all, you were falling for him as much (if not more) then he seemed to be falling for you.


After months and months of Garrets sweet, sweet actions you knew for sure how he felt about you - but weren't sure you could say the same.

You'd tried to show Garret how you felt, never having the confidence to tell him outright, but it never seemed to come across clear enough for him.

Or so you thought.

It was as normal of a morning as it could've been: you trudged through the store and into the break room, where a fresh cup of coffee sat waiting for you next to a brown paper bag. Garret flashed you a bright smile, his toothy grin bringing one onto your own face.

As you slouched down into the chair next to him, you gently brought the brown paper bag towards you, peeking inside to find a still-warm croissant from the bakery between Garrets place and the store. One of your favourites. You pulled the delicious pastry out of the bag, taking a big bite and washing it down with the sweet, warm coffee.

"Thank you Gare." You whispered, as always, enjoying the sweet treat, though not as much as his presence.

"Of course doll, you know it's no issue."

"I don't thank you enough as I should though." You muttered back, continuing your explanation as Garrets eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. "You're so good to me - too good to me - and I should thank you more. 'Cause you really are the best Gare and, you know-"

"I know doll. Me too."

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