For The Greater Good

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"So garret, our beloved, i was thinking about younger reader being shy but liking garret, very obviously but she is oblivious to garret liking her back and one day jonah gets enough of the pining and flirts with reader and then jealous dom garrett?"


Jonah was practically buzzing in his seat with the knowledge that sat unused in his head. The breakroom was tensely quite, you and Jonah sat across from each other while Garret tried to get something out of the vending machine.

Your fingers drummed against the table without thought, your other hand wrapped around the smoothie Jonah had pushed across the table at you, demanding that you try it. Pulling the bottle away from your lips, you loosely screwed the lid on before sliding it back over to Jonah, whose hand was readily stretched across the table to grab it from you.

"So what do you think?" Jonah asked, his knee bouncing up and down rapidly underneath the table, filled with tension.

"Sweet." You replied, letting out a low hum as you took in the taste of the bright red drink that remained in your throat. "But not bad, I like strawberries."

"Not as sweet as you though." Jonah rushed out as soon as you finished talking. Choking on the smoothie at his words, your face began to flush a bright, hot red; what did Jonah just say?

"W-what? I'm sorry J, did I-" You stuttered, flustered at the small complement from Jonah. Though he'd complimented you several times before - as had your other friends - it never stopped you from feeling slightly embarrassed. Especially when Jonah said it with such enthusiasm.

"Oh, you heard me princess." Jonah smirked, falling back against the back of his chair, bringing his smoothie up to his lips and taking a long sip. At his suave attitude, you felt your face become hotter - it had taken you months, maybe even years, to get used to hearing nicknames from Garrett, so for Jonah to come out with it had greatly startled you.

"Oh." You squeaked, shrinking into your chair, a red flush covering your face and neck. "Okay then."

"Did I just hear what I thought I heard?" Garrett asked, moving back to his space next to you at the table, throwing his bag of takis onto the table and folding his arms across his chest.

"Heard what?" Jonah asked, pushing away from the table and standing, walking out of the break room with a wink in your direction. "I'll see you around gorgeous."

"Has he come down with something?" Garrett all but yelled, arms still crossed across his chest in frustration. What did Jonah think he was doing? Garrett had told him he liked you, and now he was pulling whatever this stunt was? He thought Jonah was his friend.

But he'd soon find out how much of a good friend he was trying to be.


"This is stupid." Amy scoffed, rolling her eyes at the bright eyed expression that rested on Jonah's face. "You're digging your own grave."

"I think I'm doing the opposite actually." Jonah chided, a proud smile settling on his face at the pure genius of the plan he had concocted.

After Garrett had revealed to him his feeling for you, and you had revealed your feeling for Garrett to him, Jonah had decided he'd have no choice but to play matchmaker, and put you two together - whatever the cost.

And if that cost was Jonah blatantly flirting with you until one of you cracked, then so be it.

"Oh and what is the opposite of that?" Am questioned, unamused by Jonah's meddling antics and how likely this would upset you in some way or another.

"Oh, well. I've never actually thought about it before - it's quite philosophical actually when you think about it..." As Jonah ranted on about what the opposite of digging your own grave was, Amy snook away, hoping she could let you in on Jonah's plan before he could make you a blushing mess once again.


"Hey there beautiful." Jonah flirted as he walked up to the customer service counter where you had been enjoying a conversation with Garrett. Sliding next to you, he snaked his arm around your waist, pulling you into his side - his other hand brushing a stray strand of hair behind your ear. "How's your day going?"

"Oh, um, it's good - I guess." Your hand pushed against Jonah's chest gently, feeling claustrophobic at the sudden closeness between the two of you - not that you hadn't been this close before.

Sure you had hugged and whatnot, but it had never felt so... intimate.

"How's yours been?" You innocently asked, unaware of Jonah's plan to turn everything and anything he could into some kind of innuendo or flirtation.

"Well mines better now I've seen you again." With a wink he leant forward, brushing his lips against your temple in a fleeting kiss. Well, this day just kept getting weirder and weirder. "See you around gorgeous."

With a final, yet brief, goodbye to Garrett, Jonah walked away from the customer service counter.

"What is going on with him today?" Garrett spat, a scoff coming from deep within his chest. You didn't understand his distaste for Jonah's actions; though it was probably clear you weren't too comfortable with Jonah's change in temperament, it was Jonah. And you could never be truest uncomfortable around him.

"Yeah, it's weird, to say the least." You muttered, not sure how to quite phrase what you were thinking: it was weird for Jonah definitely, but if the sweet names and lingering touches were coming from someone else, it probably wouldn't be so. "I'll see you around Gare."

Pushing away from the customer service counter, arms folded and eyebrows furrowed, you nearly didn't hear Garrett. "Catch you later doll."


"Y/n! I've been looking for you all day!" Amy whisper yelled through her teeth, storming towards you and wrapping her arm around your own. Leaning in so she could talk to you in hushed tones, you walked together from the break room, having clocked out and ready to go home for the day.

"Oh! Hey Ames, how's your day been?" Relieved to be with someone who wants Jonah for a second, you let out a breath you didn't realise you were holding in.

"How's my day been? It's been good thank you, had some issues with the guys in the warehouse but that's sorted now." Amy rushed, quickly becoming breathless as she sped through her day in order to get to what mattered. "But how's your day been? Jonah told me about his stupid little plan."

"What plan?" You asked, unaware that Jonah's behaviour today had been orchestrated; whatever weird, little game he had been playing with you wasn't just him being odd. "Ames, what plan?"

"Oh, hey pretty." Jonah smiled as he slid up next to you, his fingers curling between your own and pulling you along with him. He gently pulled you away from Amy and closer to him, in the direction of Garrett who had been waiting to drive you back to his for your weekly 'End of the work week' movie night.

Amy rolled her eyes at Jonah's words, unsurprised that he was still trying to sell his ploy till the very end of the line. As you came to a stop in front of Garrett, who stood with a scowl on his face, he squeezed your hand, slowing stepping away from you keeping your hands connected. "I'll see you around Doll."

"You don't get to call her that." Garrett huffed, glaring up at Jonah who feigned innocence at the pet-name. "That's my thing - our thing."

"It's not like it's reserved just for you." Jonah challenged, a knowing smile forming on his face as he spoke - as though it was his intention to rile Garrett up. "It's not as though y/n's yours to call doll."

"Well she should be." Garrett rebuked, anger immediately dissolving from his body at the confession he had accidentally made.

"I think we should leave these two to sort thinks out, don't you Jonah." Amy seethed, grabbing Jonah by the shoulders and steering him out of the store.

"So you like me, huh?"


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