Store Scandel

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Trying to act as though you and Marcus weren't more than friends, that you were only talking for work purposes, that you weren't waiting for him to finish his shift for a ride back to your place, had been extremely difficult.

Everyone in the store was always up in other peoples business; and while you didn't mind the drama - in fact you quite enjoyed hearing the gossip in the break room each morning - you just didn't want it to be about you. While some were worse for sharing gossip over others, you knew something this scandalous (as far as the store was concerned) would spread like wildfire.

Sneaking around had been hard enough. But hiding a pregnancy was sure to be harder.

The wide-eyed expression had yet to leave your face, your palms becoming clammy and warm as you continued to state at the two pink stripes not far from your face.

How could this have happened?

Well, you knew how this had happened. While you'd been so sure you'd been safe, apparently you'd not been safe enough.


The plastic, beige walls of the employee bathroom stall felt as though they were slowly closing in on you, your breathing picking up as you rushed out of the stall; pregnancy test gripped tightly in your hand.

Placing it onto the countertop, you hastily turned on the tap, rinsing your hands under the cool water for a brief second before cupping your hands and splashing the water into your face.

Wiping your face dry with the cuffs of your long sleeved shirt, you looked at your still flushed face in the mirror.

Fuck, Fuck, Fuckity, Fuck.


Creeping out of the employee bathrooms, you hoped you'd be able to sneak away and find your number one confidant, who you knew would have at least some kind of advice for you - wether good or bad didn't matter right now. You just wanted someone else's input.

However, your attempt at sneaking away was soon cut short as you walked straight into Amy upon turning the corner towards the store floor.

"Hey y/n, I thought you were meant to be manning the jewellery counter?" Amy's eyebrows creased as she spoke, knowing she'd left it to you, and you alone.

"Oh yeah, well I wasn't feeling too good so I asked Chey to cover for me for a moment." Disbelieving of your rushed out response, Amy shook her head, choosing to ignore your antics and carry on on her journey to the break room.

"Okay, sure, just get back out there, okay?" Placing a gentle hand on your shoulder, Amy gave it a quick rub, though soon rushing past you and away from the store floor.

Waiting not a second after she'd left you ran out of the back room, straight to the customer service counter in hopes you'd find your knight in shining armour there.


"Well hey doll," Garret greeted you with a wide smile, placing down whatever he'd been holding and providing you with his undivided attention. "What can I do for you?"

His warm smile and caring tone washed a wave of relief over you; the knowledge that Garret would be cool about this soothing the tension that had been lingering from your head, right down to your toes.

You could do this.

"I just need to talk, I don't know what to do." Feeling your chest beginning to tighten, you leant against the counter, placing a hand gently and thoughtlessly on your lower stomach.

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