One Doodle That Can't Be Undid Homeskillet

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"I was thinking like jonah and garrets bestie reader gets heavy baby fever after Cheyenne gives birth and she just tells them both "i want a baby too" and they brush it off thinking she isnt serious but then she keeps mentioning it and then one of them sits her down and asks if that's what she really wants and then reader gets pregnant and she is so happy!"


"I want a baby." You whined, stacking toilet paper with Jonah into a large pyramid shape. Though it wasn't the way Cloud 9 policy recommended, you had found it to be far more stable and efficient.

"You what? Why are you telling me this?" Jonah asked, looking up at you from where he was crouched down, reaching into the box of toilet paper and passing them up to you one at a time.

"It's just, Harmonica is so cute. I want a cute, little baby. Not any time soon at least; just seeing Cheyenne with such a precious baby in her arms, made me want one." You explained, carefully placing the toilet rolls Jonah passed to you onto the pyramid, making sure the display didn't topple over as you stacked it high.

"Hmm. Sounds like baby fever." Garrett suggested, suddenly appearing behind you, startling you so that you pushed too hard against the toilet paper pyramid and sending it crashing to the ground. With a deep sigh, you bent down, picking up as many rolls as you could and beginning to rebuild the display.

"It's a real thing." Jonah added, helping you to rebuild the structure so that you could move on sooner rather than later to something else you needed to do within the store. "I read an article about it. Typically, when men and women come into contact with babies the influx of emotions from being around a it can spark their instincts to reproduce."

"When you say it like that J, all science-y, it sounds less appealing." You and Garret let out short laughs, unsurprised by Jonah's all-knowing ability to come in useful on even the most mundane of topics.

"Where'd you even read that? Twitter?" Garrett teased, knowing that Jonah had a tendency to regurgitate everything and anything he read online into one conversation or another. "The times?"

"Actually, discover magazine." Jonah quipped, happy that Garrett hadn't been able to call out the super he had got his information from this time. Stacking the final tier of toilet paper, you took a step back, taking in your hard-worked display in all its glory.

"Well, whatever it is, I'm sure it'll pass." You hummed idly to yourself, adjusting one of the parts of toilet roll, before stepping back and finally being happy with how the display looked. "Anyone want to split a pizza for lunch?"

"I'm down."


Oh how wrong you were. The 'baby fever' as your boys had dubbed it, didn't pass. In fact, it seemed to grow stronger and stronger with every day that passed.

"I don't get why you want a crying, screaming, pooping baby y/n. Babies are hard work." Amy slouched down into her seat, her eyes fighting to stay open as she blew on her cup of coffee, hoping to cool it slightly.

"Ames." You whined, stirring your sweetener into your morning coffee absentmindedly. "I was hoping you'd understand. Have you never sat there and though 'I really want a baby'?"

"Well, of course!" She cheered, encouraging your dwindling thoughts once more, sparking a whirlwind that consumed your mind. "But then I had them - and as much as I love them, some days, you find it so hard you question if it was all worth it. And it is - It's just hard."

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