Boys Like You: Garrett's Ending

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"I've tried my hardest, I really have, but it seems like nothing was enough." Garrett gulped, fiddling with his hands as he avoided your gaze on him, boring into his head. " I flirt with you all the time: I call you doll, doll face and gorgeous and pretty girl and yet you still haven't seemed to get the hint."

You remained silent, it only unnerving Garrett even more, spurring on a confession that he didn't know he had in himself - an effort to try and explain himself, and his feelings, before you inevitably rejected him.

"So, I decided to try and turn it up a notch, y'know? Try and make it more obvious I had feelings for you - cause I do, I like you, y/n. I really, really like you, y/n - and I don't know what I thought, maybe I though that if I got you to sit on my lap, you would realise how obvious I was trying to be. But even then, that didn't work."


"And I get it now, I know you don't like me like I like you. And I'm sorry if anything I did ever made you uncomfortable. But I would really, really love to still be your friend." Garrett still refused to meet your eyes, looking at his hands that fiddled with each other in his lap. "If you'll have me, that is."

"This is my fault." You sighed, a hand coming to press against your temple, rubbing into the warm flesh in frustration. "This is my fault."

"Doll- I mean, y/n. It's not your fault you don't feel the same. You can't help that."

"Please don't ever stop calling me doll." You fawned with a sweet smile, grabbing Garrett's hand in your own and running your thumb across his knuckles. "Or doll face, or gorgeous, or your pretty girl."

A smile was slowly curling onto Garrett's lips with each word that left your mouth, courage beginning to bubble at the tips of his fingers.

"Because that's what I want to be: your doll, your doll face, your gorgeous..." A full, wide smile was settled on his face now, his hand squeezing yours. "Your pretty girl."

"Oh, doll." Garrett let out a relived sigh, pulling you down onto his lap for the second time this week, his hand that wasn't holding yours coming up to hold your face. "I've been you're for a long time. All I've wanted and waited for is for you to be mine."

With the suave line - that easily could've been pulled from straight out of a movie script - he pulled your face down, nose nuzzling against his own, before his lips met yours. It was soft, gentle. Gentler then you would've imagined that Garrett would've been, but amazing all the same. It flowed easily, and you didn't have to try hard to avoid bumping heads or leaning in the same way - but, it was always easy with Garrett, wasn't it?

The pair of you pulled away from each other with wide smiles on your faces, warmth filling your cheeks and foreheads pressed together.

"Come over to mine." Garrett pleaded, his hand running up and down your arm as he spoke. "I'll order a pizza, or Chinese, whatever you want and I'll put on some movies."

A laugh bubbles past your lips at the rapid change of opinion, his attempt at appeasing you funny considering he already held your heart.

"That sounds wonderful, Gare." Your lips a hairs length apart, you lazily slot yours back against his, kissing the words of admiration you couldn't say into his soft skin.

You and Garrett spent a weekend filled with laughs together, movie after movie, take out after take out: looking back on all the obvious signs that should've had you all over each other a lot sooner. Repeatedly, you teasingly chastised him for flirting with you at the start of your time at the store, knowing if he hadn't it would've made this whole thing a lot easier. But honestly? You doubted you would've had it any other way.

The pair of you lived in blissful ignorance over the weekend, enjoying your time together in each other's company without ever thinking about returning to the store on Monday.

However, when Monday came, like it always did, it wasn't the pair of you that was affected by the new far too closeness and the constant lap sitting. No, it wasn't. Jonah and Marcus on the other hand, seethed in jealous rage when ever they saw the pair of you together. Realistically, they should've seen it coming. You and Garrett were like two peas in a pod, it was inevitable! But then again, that didn't stop the sting of jealousy whenever either of them saw the two of you together, or the silent yearn that it should've been them.

It all went unbeknownst to you, too encapsulated by Garrett's loving stare and constant hand on your thigh to notice. However, their jealous stares never befell Garrett, a mischievous glint in his eye and smirk crossing his face whenever he noticed their eyes falling on you.

His doll.


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