Always The Bridesmaid, Never The Bride

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To say your social life had been blooming would be a lie. You couldn't remember the last time you'd hung out with someone who you didn't know from work, and you'd couldn't remember the last time you'd kissed someone who wasn't your ex boyfriend of 2 years.

The dating scene was more than lacklustre and didn't bring you much hope for a romantically active future.

Until Tate asked you out.

You hadn't expected the slightly eccentric, yet extremely attractive pharmacy counter guy to ask you of all people out. Tate was known for his scandalous flings and whirlwind romances with other employees and customers alike. And thinking you'd end up just another story he'd tell, another notch in his bedpost, made your stomach churn.

You knew you were worth more than that, but hey, a dates a date, right?

Garret couldn't seem to agree less.

"Doll, going out with such a sleeze bag as Tate isn't going to make you feel better. Trust me doll, he's going to hurt your feelings one way or another." Garret was just looking out for you, and you'd usually be quite happy about that. But all you wanted right now was some attention from someone new, who you didn't have to care about.

"We've already been out once Gare and he was perfectly lovely. Defiantly a bit of a drunk though, dude was downing margaritas like they were going to disappear." Letting out a small giggle you saw the tension melt out of Garrets creased forehead.

"I'm just trying to look out for you doll, I hate for Tate to hurt you."

"I know that. And I appreciate it Gare. You're too good to me." Garret waved his hand at you in faux humbleness, laughing as you pushed yourself off of the customer service counter. "I'll see you around."

Blowing him a joking kiss you walked away to pharmacy, oblivious as to how he continued to stare at your receding form until you were entirely gone from his sights.

Unfortunately for Garret, he was going to be proven right very soon.


Walking towards pharmacy, you bumped into Jonah, who was carrying several large boxes filled with flu jabs. Oh how you hated flu season. Customers would flood the store day in and day out, coughing and sneezing everywhere and anywhere. Gross.

Silently taking two from the top on his pile, you flashed you a kind smile, thankful for your help. Jonah was sweet, and even though he'd not been working at cloud 9 for long, he seemed to fit right into your weird little group.

Approaching the pharmacy, you saw Tate prepping someone to have their dose of the shot, looking up and dropping the injection when he saw Jonah approaching.

Hastily jabbing the person in the arm and injection the fluid, he pulled it out just as fast, handing them a plaster and pushing them away from the counter.

"Hey J-dog! You got my boxes, good man. You want me to finish telling you that story now?" Tate pushed his feet up onto the counter top, not waiting to hear Jonas response before he continued.

"Well, like I was saying, too much for me dude. When she got onto her 3rd marg I knew - like who drinks that much alcohol? Wasn't very lady like. Not like I'm going to go out with her again anyway, total pity date." Tate scoffed and your face flushed red as you realised he was taking about you.

What the fuck?

Slamming the boxes onto the counter in front of you, your eyes met Tate's, who quickly pushed up from his seat and tried to spew out an apology.

"I'll see you around Jonah." You said quietly, walking away from the Pharmacy and towards someone you knew would be waiting with open arms - and probably an 'I told you so'.


After no avail at the customer service counter, you walked up to the break room, where Garret sat eating his lunch in the peace and quiet.

"Gare..." you whined, your words cutting short as more tears filled your eyes, your voice catching in your throat.

"Oh baby doll." Garret motioned for you to come for a hug, you crashing into his arms as you met him.

"You were fucking right." You sobbed out, tightening your hold on the man before you, tucking your head as far as it could go into the nape of his neck. Hoping and praying if you stayed there long enough you would just disappear.

"I mean, I don't want to say I told you so... but." Garrets words broke the tension that had settled over the break room, making you let out a croaky laugh. Aw man. He always knew how to make you smile.

"Anyway, you deserve better then the likes of Tate." Garret soothed, rubbing calming circles on your back. "You deserve someone who will treat you like you're the only thing that matters on this earth."

Letting out a deep sigh, you looked up at Garret from your place against his chest, unsure where exactly his speech was going.

"Someone who will make you laugh, and make you happy. Who will cheer you up when you're sad. Who will make you feel good about yourself, and remind you how beautiful you are each and every day. Someone-"

"-like you." You interrupted Garrets speech, the sudden realisation hitting you like a ton of bricks. Garret was describing himself, at least to you he was: the way he talked about the person you deserved was what you had found in your friendship with Garret. But, God, did you want more than friendship with the man.

How you had never seen it before amazed you - you and Garret had been friends for years, since your very first day at cloud 9, you'd been attached at the hip. And you'd known you'd liked him for at least the past year, but hearing him list off all the things you deserved, made you realise that he liked you too. The flirty back and forth, the cute nicknames, the comforting touches and knowing glances were all more then they had first appeared to be - every moment spent together suddenly feeling more romantic then it ever had in the moment.

"You like me." You asserted, looking intently at Garret's face, amused by the heat that now flared across his cheeks.

"Next time I'll try and be more obvious doll face." Garret teased, his hand moving from your back to rest onto of your hand, giving it a light squeeze. Giving him a gentle push you stood up next to him, walking towards the door of the breakroom.

"I'll see you later Gare." You promised, smiling at Garret as you leant against the doorway to the breakroom.

"Oh will you now doll?"

"Yeah! For the date you better take me on tonight." Smirking at the man, you turned and walked away from the breakroom, filled with a new sense of confidence and warmth. Hearing Garrets loud laughter brought a genuine and wide smile to your face, excitement filling you at the thought of seeing him, hopefully sooner rather then later.

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