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"a marcus x reader imagine where younger reader has a crush on marcus, but jonah actually likes her and thinks she's being naïve about marcus and knows he's an idiot so he wants her to be with him instead? but maybe the end is her admitting her feelings to marcus or something. you can change it however you'd like, thanks so much!!! "


Jonah was certain that you liked him. He knew deep in the roots of his soul that you were just as infatuated with him as he was with you; the lingering looks, the way you'd come to him first when you were excited or upset, how you'd lean into his touch when he reached out for you; it was entirely obvious.

He was too sure, if that were possible, that you liked him back.

However, blinded by the mirage of love, he couldn't see how you longed for another; that other being Marcus. It was weird, your little crush on him, at least that's what you'd partly convinced yourself. Marcus was renowned within the store for his odd ideas and sometimes plain idiocy; so it had never once crossed Jonah's mind that you could like someone else, someone who wasn't him, someone like Marcus White.

"He's lying." Jonah huffed, arms folded indignantly across his chest. "You can't be serious!"

Jonah's voice had rose with his words, pushing out of the seat opposite you and coming to a stand he began to pace the length of the counter top in the breakroom. Standing yourself, you walked across to him, pushing his discarded chair back under the table as you went, grabbing his forearms in your hands forcing him to a stop. Whatever sense of upset or anger Jonah had ben feeling seemed to come to a halt as you made contact with him; tension lines dissolving from his forehead, pacing coming to a stop and hands unfolding from his chest.

"Cm'here." You simply instructed, pulling the man into your arms for a hug. Jonah didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you tightly against him as he tucked his head into the crook of your neck, breathing in deeply and slowly. Like always, you smelled like warm vanilla, a summers day and safety assuring him that everything was okay and back to normal.

"Now, are you going to tell me what the big freak-out is for big guy?" Pulling Jonah's head from the safety of your neck, you tipped it up to look at you, hoping you could pressure him into an answer.

It wasn't the first time he'd freaked out over something small; but usually you could place the exact thing that had set him off. This time, however, you couldn't.

"It's nothing." He huffed, head falling back against your shoulder with a soft grunt slipping past his lips.

"It's not nothing if it made you upset." Your hands threaded through his hair, pulling and scratching at the soft tuffs in an effort too sooth his upset from him. This wasn't an unusually position to find yourself in with Jonah; things often got to him too easily or too quickly and resulted in an almost childlike outburst. Though you were always quite happy to be the one who could help sooth it away.

"Just some stupid rumour Garrett was texting me about."

"Oh." You hummed, moving one hand down to scratch at the tips of his shoulders as you let him ramble about the bad news he had seemed to just receive.

"About how you have a crush on Marcus. And I know it's not true, it's just the idea of it that gets me so riled up." It was no rumour. You did had a crush on Marcus; one that you'd confided in Garrett about assuming he'd never say a word. And whether it was for the sake of getting a rise out of Jonah, or just plain cruelty, he'd decided to spill your secret.


"And why would that be so bad?" You probed, Jonah's head finally moving from your shoulder to meet your eyes, confusion twisting his features. "If I were to have a crush on Marcus?"

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