Boy's Like You: Jonah's Ending

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"Originally, if I'm being honest, I was coming out here to hit you up with some other cheesy pick-up line. But Amy told me that I needed to 'man up', so here I am." Jonah three his arms out at his side, shrugging his shoulders as a nervous laugh slipped past his lips. " pouring my heart out to you, if you'll let me."

Jonah took your silence as a indication to go on, a small smile beginning to form on his face at the fact you hadn't already told him to shut up and go away. Though he would love for things to work out in his favour, he would be more than happy just for you to listen to what he had to say, to know the truth.

"I like you. I never knew how to show it and then I heard this rumour that you liked someone in the store, and I had this stupid hope that it was me. So then, I came up with this convoluted, pretty obscene now that I think about it, plan."

If it weren't for the seriousness of his tone, you'd be laughing at the flustered urgency of the mannerisms he was using: everything accentuated by the way you think of his hands which would inevitably come back to rest on his chin.

"I thought, for some stupid reason, that it would be a good idea to try these over the top flirty pick up lines with you. And don't get me wrong, I know how cheesy they were, but when you weren't flustered you were laughing - and, oh my God, you have the most beautiful laughI think I've ever heard - and I thought that meant something."

Jonah's hand was cupping the back of his neck, a red hot flush covering the apples of his cheeks as he stared down intently at the floor, eyes flickering up to meet yours between words.

"But, I get it now, 'cause as flustered as you got, I could tell you got uncomfortable too - so I'm coming clean, if you will. But, it only felt fair, to make sure you knew the entire truth, that you knew how I really felt." Jonah's hand dragged along the side of his face as he rambled, falling loosely down to his sides as he seemed to be coming to a natural end to his rant - though knowing Jonah, they never truly ended.

You'd listen to him for centuries, eternities even.

"And as I'm doing it now, I feel like a complete and utter fool, like I should've said nothing because you're being completely silent and I'm starting to get a little-"

Slinging your arms across Jonah's shoulders, you closed the gap between you, lips pressing to his in a clash of teeth and tongue, uncertainty and eagerness only egging you on. Jonah had frozen, though only briefly, his hands wrapping around your waist and pulling you as close to him as he could; almost too close as the pair of you lost your footing, stumbling into each other and the front of your car as you stopped yourselves from falling. A wide smile curled onto Jonah's raw, red lips, hand gripping your hips as though his life depended on it. It was only second before Jonah was pulling you into another kiss, his hands leaving your hips to clutch the sides of your face as he slotted his lips against yours, his back against the side of your car in the lull of evening.

"You ramble a lot." You mused, a hand coming to caress the wrist of his hand against your warm cheeks. "Do you know that?"

"When I get nervous." Jonah confirmed, a dopey, lovesick smile wide enough and bright enough that you were certain his cheeks were burning.

"Never stop." Breathy laughs escaped the two of you, wrapped in each other both literally and figuratively. You couldn't get enough of the tousled hair and swollen lips and the way his cheeks were still burning hot and flushed. Holding his face in your hands, you smiled up at him. "Never ever stop."

"So..." Jonah suddenly became nervous under your touch, avoiding your eyes and heating under your finger tips. "What does this mean? Do you- do you like me? Or am I reading into things? I get if I am, just tell me-"

Pressing your lips to his once more, you threaded your fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck, gently scratching as your smile broke the two of you apart. "You think too much, J."

"I do?"

"Yeah, you do." Holding his face between your hands once more, you decided to spell it out for him. "I like you too genius. And I'd love for you to take me out some time."

"Oh! Well, that can definitely be arranged." The smirk on Jonah's face had you leaning in for another kiss, one of the first few of what would be many to come.

Word spread quickly around the store of the two of you becoming a couple, but it didn't crush Marcus or Garrett in the way they'd expected your inadvertent rejection would. Jonah was sensible and reliable and extremely loving - they had nothing to worry about as long as you were in his arms.

And the loved up moments of the two of you around the store rarely showed: lingering touches, cringey attempts at flirting and oddly time consuming end caps were all the public eye got to see of your relationship - but you wouldn't have had it any other way. You balanced each other out well: much like the different flavours of the smoothies you loved to try so much.

No matter which ones Jonah didn't like, you were there with love and appreciation for them - For him, and all the parts of himself he didn't like. And he, the same for you.

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