Confusion and Confessions

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"younger reader liking garrett but she thinks he doesnt like her back so she lets jonah or marcus take her on a date and garrett confesses"


You liked Garret. You really did - and you had since the day you started at cloud 9. Yet, he'd never seemed to notice, at least as far as you were aware.

Prior to now, you'd spent days, weeks - even months - waiting for Garret to notice your affections and ask you out, as you were too concerned about getting rejected to act on your feelings yourself. So when Marcus asked you out, you decided their was no harm in going out with him, especially when Garret would never see you as more then a friend.

"I just don't understand, why would you want to go out with him?" Garret asked, deeply confused and seemingly stressed by the fact you had agreed to go out with Marcus.

"The dude's sweet enough," You defended, folding your arms across your chest. "Besides, It's not like I'm going to get any otherwise. God knows all I do is work."

"So you're just going out with the guy to get laid?" Garret asked, surprise filling his words.

"Oh, get off my dick." You snapped back at the man who sat beside you, fed up with his criticisms of your date. "Marcus is nice. And who cares if I'm going out with him to get laid? You certainly shouldn't be one to judge."

Pushing away from where you had leant against the customer service counter, you stood up, ready to leave Garret as his attitude was not amusing you today. If he had such an issue with it, he should have asked you out instead. But he hadn't.

"I'm just saying, y/n. You could do better." Fed up with Garret's constant criticism, especially after Marcus had been nothing but sweet to you since he'd asked you out, you began to walk away.

"I'll see you tomorrow Gare. I've got to go and get ready for my date." Waving goodbye to him, you turned around headed for the breakroom to get your things before making your way home to get ready for what you were sure would be a good night.

Unfortunately, when wrapped up in your own thoughts and anger at Garret, you didn't see as he watched your retreating form longingly until you were completely out of his sight - wishing it was him who was taking you out tonight instead.


Brushing the fallen strands of hair out of your eyes, you looked yourself up and down in the mirror once more, making sure you looked good for your date with Marcus tonight. Though you didn't particularly mind what the outcome of your time tonight was, you still wanted to impress the man who had asked you out.

Smiling at your reflection, you smoothed out the fabric of your dress, pulling your bag onto your shoulder and picking up your phone which then buzzed in your hand.

Marcus <3 | I'm outside! Can't wait to see you ;)

A blush covered your cheeks, taking a second to breathe, you slipped your phone into your bag before quickly walking out of the front door. Marcus was leant against the side of his car, a single pink carnation held loosely between his fingers, which he rolled back and forth between his forefinger and his thumb. Looking up from where he had been staring intently at the floor his eyes met yours, his mouth dropping open slightly as he took in the sight before him.

"You look beautiful." Marcus complimented, though his words came only barely above a whisper due to the awe he was captured in. He suddenly scrambled to stand up straight, taking a step closer to you and offering you the flower he had brought with him, before running around to the other side of his car and opening the door for you. "M'lady."

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