It Takes Two to Tango~

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You tilt your head to the side and furrow your brows. "A date? Well aren't you a romantic"

"Oh come now my Eve~ I'm Adam, you're Eve...and I am also the Matador of Love~ kinda comes with the package~" he says licking his teeth.

You snicker and start to head to the wall where your board is sitting where your speaker suddenly starts to play Americano by Lady Gaga.

You hear Adam behind you tapping his heels to the beat. "Quite the playlist there kitten~"

You roll your eyes ready to grab the speaker and he grabs your hand swinging you around spinning back into his arms like a yo-yo. You gasp as you are pressed against his chest and look up at him.

He grins seductively and slings you out and pulls back into his chest repeatedly.

"A-Adam what are you doing?!" You exclaim confused and slightly scared

"Oh come on dear~ it takes two to tango don't you know~ "

You blink a couple of times, your long eyelashes fluttering in the breeze before you adjust to the situation letting him continue. You take a breath and buck your hips side to side following the rhythm causing Adam to smirk in pleasure of your compliance.

He lifts his arm with yours causing you to spin and then back around to his chest before passing you off to his other hand.

"You have quite the moves Mr. Matador~"

"Consider this special treatment my Eve~"

He dips you getting you to look at the speaker playing the romantic tune. You snag it and clip it to your belt loop then stomp on Adams skateboard causing it to spring up into his palm. He looks at you confused.

"How about we continue with a stroll~"

"I like the way you think darling~" he purrs and let's the board fall to the ground letting you on first before taking off with the both of you.

Still listening to the music, you begin to tap your feet on his board to the rhythm while also signaling to continue your moment together.

You sway your hips and keep tapping your feet accordingly.

"Mmm someone's got happy feet too~"

"Let's see whatcha got tiger~" you growl back and begin your magical footwork to the beat.

He grabs your hip and dips you as you zoom down long straightaways. You look up at him and give him a sharp look with your eyes. Though Adam couldn't see the rest of your face, he knew exactly what you were expressing.

You lock your legs together and suddenly you take control switching roles where you are now spinning Adam. His foot goes forward, yours go back, and along the curve of the track you trip him causing him to lean off the board

"What are you-"

Before he could continue, you snatch him up and smirk as you whip him up and sling his arm around causing the board to spin constant 360°s.

Adam gasps and moans in awe. "OH MY GOD YES~!"

He looks at you captivated by your performance that seemingly is matching his overall personality on the course.

You snake your arms around his neck continuing the one front one back footwork. Suddenly Adam picks you up by the waist and throws you in the air holding you up above his head by the palm of his hand.

You gasp and look ahead at you feeling the lights of the streetlights outline your body and take in the wind letting your eyes shut. The board spins a couple of times before Adam centers the nose of the board to the course in front of him. The matador lowers you back down in front of him, your palms pressing against his chest looking up at him with a sparkle in your eyes.

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