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"Spade watch out!" Adam yells jumping off of his board snatching it up running towards you.

You snap out of the thoughts that engulfed your mind and you lifted your eyes, in your view was a giant rock on the corner. You let out a gasp and slam full force into the wall at fast speed.


You smashed into the boulder and fell back, your head was spinning and your vision became blurry.

"Spade?!" Adam sprints up to you and drops his board getting on his knees lifting your head up.

In dizzy spell, you look at the blue and red blob that is in your vision. Adam pulls your mask down quickly where blood rushes from your nose, dirt smudges on your clothes and face.

"Spade what happened? Are you hurt?" He whimpers.

Your eyes start to focus on Adam's body that begins to take proper shape. "Oh there's my handsome boyfriend~...."

"As much as that sentence excites me...come on focus Spade!"

You shake your head as the blood continues to drip from your nose and a cut on your forehead that begins to stream down your temple and cheek. "A-Adam?..."

"What happened Spade? You never lose focus like that..."

"I just...nothing...thought of some things...and I lost my focus...I'm sorry..."

"You have to tell me what's wrong...I've known you long enough to know there is a problem...and nothing takes your attention away this strongly so it has to be serious..."

You look away from him leaning forward letting the blood drip from your nose into the patch of grass. "My past is troubling me that's it. Alright don't ask any further..." you growl softly.

"What is that supposed to mean...? can't just say that and expect me to move on" he sighed heavily and pulls a handkerchief from his pants pocket and presses it against your nose. The cloth soaks up with blood.

You say nothing to the blue haired man as he picks you up bridal style.

"Come're coming with me..." he says earning a sigh in defeat from your lips.

He carries you to the car where Tadashi was inside. He looks at you in surprise.

"What happened sir?" He asks concerned.

"Just drive" Adam snaps as he closes the door behind him.

Tadashi nods and drives back to the penthouse where Adam carries you up the elevator and inside the penthouse.

"I'll get the first aid kit sir" Tadashi says retrieving the box and handing it over to Adam as he laid you gently on the couch.

He opens the box and pats the gauze on your forehead and nose sopping up the blood and then puts disinfectant on the tip of a cotton swab tending to your wounds.

You say nothing to the man who is taking care of you, not sure to tell him everything or not. "What would telling him do?" You thought to yourself and let out a sigh.

He cleans off the blood and disinfects the areas before adding a bandaid to your forehead. He sighs taking off his mask setting it on the coffee table and leans down giving your forehead a little kiss.

"You can tell me....I don't know why you're so scared to tell love me enough to let me in...right?..." he whimpers, his voice shaking and lip quivering.

You have never seen such a concerned look on his face before. His expression was so genuine and he wasn't trying to hide any part of it.

"Is it so hard for you to tell me you love me....."

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