Tell Me About Yourself

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"R-red? Oh no's just umm a little h-hot in here haha!"

"Is that so~? It feels alright to me in here~ Is that a thing women deal with?...getting hot so....easily~? Ainosuke grazes his foot against yours under the table causing you to stiffen.

"P-probably...we are a little more sensitive to temperature I guess..."

The waiter brings back the bottle of wine and pulls out the cork before grabbing each glass pouring the into them with a slight tilt.

"Oh t-thank you sir..."

"Absolutely ma'am, now have you both decided what you'll have this evening?" He asks politely.

"Yes...I'll have the filet mignon with balsamic glaze with the side salad please..." you smile as he nods writing down the order.

"And for you sir?" He asks looking at Ainosuke while you gently press your fingers under the glass lifting it to your lips tasting the Cabernet.

"The 8 oz ribeye with au gratin potato's~"

Yuri writes down his order and nods. "Excellent choice sir, I'll put this order it asap." He says as he walks off through the kitchen doors.

He takes a sip from his glass and licks his lips. "Mmm this one's my favorite~"

You set your glass down and look at him. "It is?"

"Well I prefer red wine...but something about this one in particular...the flavors dance on my tongue~"


He nods while swirling the glass. "Mhmm~ it's so smooth and robust~ like liquid passion you can taste~"

You cross your legs and partake from your own, your hand with slight visible shaking.

"I suppose it is really n-nice...umm how about we talk a bit about each other then?"

"Apologies, of course Miss Lockheart~"

"Oh please call me Sophia...I don't need formalities like that..."

"Then I hope you will address me as just Ainosuke~"

You smile softly nodding in approval as the waiter comes back, his tray stand under his arm and plated food on a platter in hand.

"The filet mignon for the lady" he says as he gently rests the plate in front of you. "And the rib-eye for you sir" he states resting Ainosuke's plate down. "If you need anything else let me know" The waiter gives a small smile and leaves.

You unravel your cutlery and lay the black cloth napkin on your lap before taking a cut of the meat in a matter of seconds, popping it in your mouth.

Ainosuke chuckles deeply watching you. "Meat lover~?"

You give a minimal gasp as you swallow causing you to cough from your assuming mind.

"Are you alright my dear?" He asks with a slight whimper in his tone.

You take some water and fan yourself with your hand. "Y-yea, I can't help myself...I'm not exactly one of those girls that eats small dishes."

"Mmm is that so~?"

"A-anyways what about you?"

"Hmm...well as you know, I am the current heir to the Shindo corporate estate and basically oversee everything. Our business does a little bit of everything and partners with other businesses that impress me or I at least see potential in"

"Anything?'re one of those businesses...that's amazing...."

He takes a few bites from his steak, swallowing and patting his mouth before he continues speaking.

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