3 Brothers

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You smile softly exiting the car with Ainosuke heading towards the meeting lounge that listed their flight on the schedule. "Says they just landed...how about we get something to drink?"

"If you'd like my dear" Ainosuke said leading you towards the nearest bar that was by the meeting area. "Order whatever you like"

You smile softly taking a look at the cocktail menu showing the bartender what you'd like and ordering for Ainosuke. "I'll get it this time hon, ahem....Hi, I'll take the passion fruit margarita and he'll have the smoked cherry Manhattan. "

"Right away ma'am, I'll get those ready in just a moment" the bartender said grabbing a hold of a liquor bottle.

"Did you want an appetizer or something? You haven't eaten all day..." you ask concerned.

"I like just about anything my little Eve...so whatever you like...but those look good...." Ainosuke said looking at the appetizer section, his finger hovering over the fried pickles and the pulled pork wontons.

"No way...you've never had a fried pickles... those are my favorite! They are simple but oh my god they own my heart...it's food porn for the soul"

Ainosuke snickered. "Well how about you order those and I'll get those pulled pork thingies with sweet chili sauce"

"Sounds like a deal" you smiled softly and raised your hand catching the attention of one of the waiters.

"Yes ma'am is there something you'd like to order?" He asks as the bartender sets two napkins on the counter placing your drinks on them.

"Yes can we please have the fried pickles and pulled pork wontons?"

"Absolutely I'll go ahead and put that in for you" he says sending in the order. You thanked the man as he walked away tending to one of his tables.

You both take a sip from your drinks licking your lips in satisfaction.

"Mm good choice my dear...you know me so well~" he grinned taking another sip from his glass.

"I'm sure you like just about anything if I put it in front of you."

"Well true" he says as the waiter comes back placing the basket of pickles and another of the wontons in front of the both of you.

You hold up a pickle chip in your fingers and suspended it over Ainosuke's lips. "It's a greasy little thing but it's soooo worth it" you say pressing it into his mouth.

He crunches down on the pickle and gives a satisfied nod. "Mmm those are good...I'm surprised actually..."

"Right?! Now here have some of these wontons" you say sliding the basket over to Ainosuke while taking another sip of your drink.

Half an hour passes as you both finish up your drinks and appetizers. "See them yet?"

"Well I don't know exactly what they look like today, I've only seen that photo by your nightstand when you all were much younger" Ainosuke said.

"Just look for three guys with skateboards attached to their backs and if they see me before I do...you'll know-..."


The moment you said that to Ainosuke, three young guys were huddled together looking at the middle man's phone with large backpacks, skateboards strapped to their backs, and rolling luggage at their hips.

"I think I found them...." Ainosuke said taking a final swig from his glass. 

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