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You stand there, your mouth gaping wide open beneath your mask. The shame, fear, and disbelief had taken over your body completely. You're breathing hitches and your eyes become glassed over with pain. You collapse to your knees hugging your stomach and embedding your head within, the pain reaching every part of you.

You burst into tears, clenching onto your shirt tightly. You didn't care who could've been around; your board was gone.

You cry out in agony, you didn't just lose your board, it was your everything.

"D-dad...DAD!....DADDY!" You cried out, your lungs and throat unable to compete with the sharp wincing and harsh vocals writhing in pain. You were disgusted with yourself; you had lost your board but also your father.

You didn't care how long you were there, that heirloom was all you had left of him. The hours passed until it was early dawn, you had been there all night. Your voice unable to work any longer thus becoming hoarse.

Your masked was soaked with tears and from a runny nose but you didn't care one bit.

You stumble to get up from the emotional pain that kept you on your knees for all night long then slowly made your way home.

Though you were broken, you still managed to get home unseen before the city crowd started to build up and more activity started to blossom. You collapse on your bed face down, your eyes extremely puffy and red. You had not a second of sleep the whole rest of the day; you had spent the day laying there like the dead.

You didn't even bother to look at your phone for work; though you had the day off, you ignored your device completely.

You had watched the sun come up and go down from the front window to the back laying there feeling nothing but shame and disgust.

Your mind wouldn't stop making you feel worse with every looming feeling taking over.

"Where's Ainosuke?...What time is it?...Where is my board? Did someone steal it? sell it? Break it? Use it as a trophy of their own?"

The unanswered questions killed you inside. Not only the questions, but the overall secrets of your double life wrecked you. You couldn't tell anyone about this stuff, not even Ainosuke wherever he may be.

For over a week, you stayed at home with little to no sleep. The puffiness of your eyes never went down and you've been in the same pajamas for four days straight. Ainosuke never sent any messages after that; you assumed it was from a busy schedule being the current heir to billions, but hearing something from him would've given you the slightest of comfort.

You tried to do some work on your laptop but made hardly any progress.

Shokichi left voicemails asking when you'd be back but never replied but knowing you, he could tell that you'd have very good reasons considering you're always there when needed.

You sigh heavily, your stomach empty, your heart empty, and eyes strained but still somehow had tears left to shed.

You close your laptop in defeat, tossing it bedside you on the couch rubbing your face.

You sniff yourself , smelling the dwelling pain and filth masking your body. You sigh once more before getting up going to the shower undressing yourself ever so slowly and stepping inside.

The shower, though hot at first, ran it's course until it became cold as ice lasting over an hour. All you did after washing was hug your naked body and stare down at the drain emotionless.

After that, you stepped out and bundled yourself in your towel, your hands extremely pruned like raisins on each finger.

You stumble still looking at the ground, bumping in a couple door frames on the way to your room before laying back down on your bed, not caring if the sheets got wet from your dripping hair.

You finally look at your phone laying on the nightstand and slowly reach to pick it up. You scroll through all the oldest notifications first before reaching the most recent.

Your expression remained emotionless until the most recent text made your eyelids slightly jerk open.

"One text from Ainosuke Shindo"

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