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Tadashi immediately got to work on the photos thag Ainosuke has took at the scene. The blue haired man rubs his head in frustration and pours himself a glass of whiskey from the mini bar that was sitting behind the couch.

He takes the glass firmly in his hand and walks over to the window overlook observing the darkness in the sky peppered with the lights of the city.

He takes a swig from the glass letting the warmth of the liquid run down his throat. He glared through the window in thought before setting the empty glass down and walking back to the bedroom.

You were finally asleep on your side of the bed, huddled in a ball with the sheets draped over you, only strands of your hair visible. Your grip was still tight on the photo the man had given you and the sheets near your face were soaked in tears and runny nose drippings.

Ainosuke takes off his clothes and lays next to you without startling you knowing it would be hard for you to fall asleep once again considering the horrid night you have already had. It looked as if you had cried yourself to sleep and the exhaustion of it all wore you down.

He gives a few strokes to your hair being that is the only part of you he was able to see before closing his own eyes, the darkness engulfing his tired eyes.

The next morning came about, only a few hours of sleep were received from you and Ainosuke. Your partner however was already up half an hour prior to your own awakening and dressed as always in the finest attire.

He greets you at the door frame holding up a biscuit and small glass of juice. "It's not much my dear but you should eat something..." he walks over to your side and gently rests the plate and glass down on the nightstand.

You look up at him weakly with dulled eyes, so empty that it was like a ghost had taken over or as if nothing was inside.

"Take your time my dear...I know this is....terrible...but just...know that's I'm here for you to do what I can"

You slowly grab his hand without looking him in the eyes. "You don't really think I was the cause of you....?" You whimper softly trying to hold back the tears.

"Of course not my dear...we will figure this out...alright?"

You nod softly and let go of his sleeve however the worry on who may be behind the fire consumed you.

"I'll be back a little later than usual darling...but don't you worry about a thing, we can order pizza...though you might have to show me how to do that cause I hardly ever have pizza-"

You let out a single scoff in the form of a chuckle; your voice was weak from all the crying and throat sounded a little hoarse.

"I'll bring something for your throat too alright? "


He leans over you and kisses your forehead softly before going out the door with Tadashi behind him.

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