Our Turn

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Everyone was in their correct positions awaiting for the boys to play their part to signal the rest. Reki and Miya both took a deep breath preparing for their mischievous acts to come into play. The red haired teen stepped out into the open from an adjacent piece of forestry with Miya stuffing his gameboy in his jacket pocket trailing behind him.

The guard's attention was immediately grabbed and became alarmed at the sudden and suspicious presence.

"Halt! Who the hell are you?" One of the guards said, their straight face not shifting a single muscle.

Another guard steps closer to the boys cracking his knuckles and seems to give off the vibe that he was the higher up in command. "What are you kids doing here?" He growled deeply.

"Oh what's going on here dudes? I didn't know there was a cool building like this out here!" Reki said with his hands hanging over and behind his head carelessly.

The guards behind the higher in command started to come closer in a protective position to gang up on the red head.

Miya suddenly approached alongside Reki. "Hey cousin, this isn't the place!" The black haired kid said giving a childlike huff.

"I thought I took the right turn cous!...I've been there a dozen times!" Reki said in a false defense.

"I wanted to go to the skate park!" Miya demanded in a tantrum slamming his foot on the ground like a spoiled child, his face turning bright red puffing his cheeks.

"You said you wanted to go to the candy shop! No wonder you said I took a wrong turn! It's on the other side of town!" Reki growled.

"That was then and now I want the skate park! Now!" The cat hoodie wearing youngster screamed in impatience.

"HEY! I DON'T CARE ABOUT THIS SHIT! GET OUT OF HERE!" The leading guard said sharing a very strong impatient attitude.

"Hey do you mind?!" Miya said grabbing a rock and chucked it at the towering man's head.

The rock hits the guard's forehead leaving a small cut immediately behind. The man twitched his eyebrow and lip, the veins in his fists and neck begun to pop out.

The following guards rolled up their sleeves while some cracked their knuckles readying for something to happen.

"MIKA!" Reki said purposely mispronouncing his name to not inform the men on Miya's real name.

"Get em! " the enraged man bellowed out dashing after Reki and Miya who have already bolted into the woods. The other guards followed behind their leader into the dark forest

Adam poked his head out witnessing the plan taking effect.

After the last man dressed in black disappeared into the woods, there were pounding noises, distressed huffs and grunts, and other sounds of struggle. The noises took place for about five minutes until there was complete silence aside from the slight rustle of the leaves.

Joe pokes his head out from behind a tree and wipes his nose catching the bit of blood the dripped from it. He gave a soft grin in the distance and a thumbs up signifying the success on their part.

Adam let out a deep sigh in relief as Langa kept watch through the binoculars. The emotion Langa surprisingly showed was enough to say it was horrifying as to what he was witnessing happening inside. It really worried Adam knowing that Langa was never one for much expression so whatever was happening through those binoculars really got to him to act.

Cherry who was settled behind the bushes on the ground with Carla laid in front of him with the proper functions open. He looked up at the blue haired man who was full of hatred and disgust towards your torturer.

"Adam" Cherry said glancing at the other man. "Our turn"

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