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Ainosuke takes off his blazer and tie as you go to the bathroom shutting the door behind you and rests them in the laundry room to be dried later.

You look around the bathroom; white marbled tile floors, a whole wall dressed with a mirror and long countertop. Impressed, you look at the huge step in shower along with a big round tub adjacent to it with jets along the walls.

"This man has a shower and a hot tub thingy?...woah..."

You slowly start peeling your stuck clothes off of you one by one and turn on the shower.

Ainosuke knocks at the door holding a towel along with a black robe in his hand.

You crack the door open and poke your head out looking at him.

"Here you go my dear, and it's warm too~" he chuckles and hands the towel and robe over to you.

You reach your hand out to grab it then tossed them both on the closed toilet seat next to the shower. "Thank you..."

"Of course my Eve~ he bows playfully like he's playing the servant and turns around to go back to the living room. "If you need anything else then don't hesitate my dear~"

You grab the sleeve of his white undershirt stopping him from proceeding. "W-wait..."

"Yes darling~?" He swivels his head around looking at you with those gorgeous ruby eyes.

"Is this the only bathroom you have? can't sit in those clothes like that..."

"Oh don't worry about me my dear, I'll be alright just go on I'll take one after you"

You jerk your hand back one more time still attached to his sleeve. He tilts his head to the side and his gaze deepens.

"Y-you can join me...if you w-want..." you blush deeply and hide your face behind the door. He feels your hand trembling in embarrassment.

"Mmm~ you sure you're ready to see all of this~?" he smirks and grazes his tongue over his top row of teeth flicking it over his fangs.

You nod and back away from the door going into the shower. A second later, Ainosuke undresses, laying each article of clothing on the sink counter.

You feel the warm water hitting against your skin. You close your eyes relaxing to the feeling of the water until the glass door opens.

The tall man enters and closes the shower door behind him wrapping his arms around you from behind pulling you against him, his nose nuzzling into your neck.

"Hello~" Ainosuke says seductively kissing your neck up and down.

"There's my little matador~" you lean your head back giving him more access to your neck. His hands begin to stroke your sides and graze over your mid section.

He presses his fangs against your neck before sinking them in like a vampire. You gasp and let out a soft moan which was music to Ainosuke's ears.

He continues to have fun with your neck as he grips onto your hips and pulls them back harshly against himself.

Your face turns a dark red feeling a big bulge pressing against you. He lets out a low growl that rumbles through both your bodies; it made you want to give in to this man right away.

You feel himself getting more handsy as his claws sink down lower stroking the inside of your thighs ever so slowly.


" me Adam right now for me kitten~" he licks the drop of blood from your neck he made when his sharp incisor dug into you.

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