Don't Let Him Know

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The boys shook their heads trying to get the thought of Adam and sex out of their minds.

"Alright...I guess we can spot you if you don't mind that at least?" Miya said.

You nod softly and roll over to the starting line. "If it makes you feel better then I'll allow you to do that"

Miya clipped the small speaker that was playing music on the belt loop of his pants before hopping onto his board rolling over to where you were, Reki and Langa doing the same.

You take a deep breath closing your eyes for a moment and pressing your foot firmly on the ground to take off with. Gritting your teeth, your eyes shot open and within a second, you shoot your leg back pushing forward on the board.

The boys trailed behind you several feet away to watch you skate ensuring your safety.

You felt the cool wind blow through your hair, the sound of the wheels rolling over the concrete course. It has been a while since you've used a longboard so adjusting will take longer than usual but it was nothing out of the ordinary for you. It made you wonder just how Adam is capable of dancing on such a long base still maintaining his balance; you were impressed with the thought.

After the thought, you tried to keep a clear head and be cautious of the course's trail ahead of you. Losing your focus could have you crashing into a boulder again or running off the track injuring you even more. Frankly, you didn't want your first attempt of sneaking out away from Adam to end so quickly with a broken limb or an injury you couldn't explain to have happened in the missing of the night.

The boys continued to monitor your speed and reflexes when it came to making turns and any sudden moves you may make along the way.

Though you did nothing drastic or any moves to cause issues to your current body, it felt good to at least be on a board enjoying the feeling of the air and experiencing the view through a skaters eyes once more.

Before you knew it, the ride was over and you passed the finish line within the factory kicking up the board into your palm. "How was that?..." you asked cocking your brow.

The boys stopped behind you with a slow clap coming from Reki. "Just fine Spade, it was just a little exercise to get that skater blood pumping" he said.

"I'm sure you want to go all out as usual but I'm honestly surprised you refrained from that." Miya said.

"It just...feels good to be on a board, at least for tonight....I'll add a little bit more stuff within the week. I was told two weeks is what I had left till I could actually do all this stuff again"

"Well how are your wounds? they look healed enough? How do you feel?..." Langa asked.

"My body heals pretty quickly when it comes to injuries, including the most serious ones....though mentally those scars are gonna stay, skating is all I can do to make those ones feel a little better."

"So you're planning on these nightly S run throughs until you can officially come back?..." Miya asked.

You nod softly and put your finger to your lips. "I just need you boys to be quiet by then, if anything happens with Adam, let me handle him."

They nod softly and strap their boards to their bags. "So would you like us to shadow you like tonight until you're confident enough to do it on your own?...I mean I'm sure you don't need us really but it honestly helps us to see you're actually ok..." Reki said.

You smile softly strapping the board back onto your backpack. "I would like that...thank you...I hope I'm not impeding on your sleep by you all doing this for me"

"PFT not for me at least, teenagers sleep at weird times and don't sleep when I don't mind at all. I don't know about these two but I'd be more than happy to watch your progress with this till you're supposed to actually be allowed to do this." The red head replied.

Throwing the bag over your shoulder you wave at the boys who begin heading into another direction different from yours.

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