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Reki pulled at you anxious to be introduced to the three men that looked like they stood out from any skaters he's ever seen. Trying to contain his screeching like a fangirl, he wheezed looking at the three guys.

"Oh hello" Toril said, his fangs peeking from his lips.

He stood there in awe, quiet squeaks escaping his throat. "H-hi" he said with a small hand raise as a wave.

"I can tell this one's either a fan of us or just skaters who have fashion sense" Chef said crossing his arms.

Reki clears his throat and speaks up. "Hello, I'm Reki, I've seen you guys on Sk8 and Shred Monthly-...I didn't know you all were actually brothers and on top of that, brothers to Spade"

You raised a brow not even knowing of that. "You all were in magazines?..." you asked confused.

"A few, yes...I didn't think that brand went international-..." Atlas said.

"I have my ways of gaining anything of the skating's so nice to meet you! I already know you're names obviously...but it's so awesome to actually be here in front of you and seeing you three skate in person!" Said the red head.

You smiled softly watching Reki pull Langa and Miya into the conversation having them introduce themselves and continue speaking.

Suddenly an arm is thrown over your shoulder pulling you back into a warm built chest. "Having fun my dear~?"

You gently stroke the gloved hand that hung over your shoulder looking up at the blue haired matador that towered over you. "I think they are having more fun than me honestly..." you say envying the interaction between the skaters and your brothers.

"I know my dear...It'll be over before you know it then you can get back out there and kick some ass as always" he said kissing your cheek.

You look over and locked eyes at his board that was suspended behind him, his hand holding onto the front axle. "Yea-..."

"How's about we all go home tonight? It is pretty late and perhaps we can do some more adventuring around Okinawa tomorrow before meeting here once more." Adam said breaking in.

The brothers halted their conversations and looked at Adam, Cherry and Joe with a slight grimace in response. The boys nodded and walked over to the both of you after wrapping up their conversations with the skaters.

"At least you don't have to work tomorrow and can sleep in"

"Couldn't have said it better myself...I'm exhausted!" Atlas said.

"A well deserved rest...I've had way too many meetings right before flying here.." said Toril.

You, Adam, and your brothers all headed back to the car and went on home where they all sluggishly made their ways inside, dropping pieces of their skater gear and their boards hitting the floor, rolling to parts of the house. Jeremy didn't even make it to his room and crashed onto the couch, falling asleep within seconds.

The other two made their way to their rooms and closed their doors, too tired to say a single word. You sweatdrop and look at Adam who removed his mask from his face. His red eyes blaring underneath.

"Sorry about them...I'll organize all this in a bit...they do work quite a lot...and from the looks of it...haven't had this kind of time off in such a long time..." you said picking up a couple knee pads, a hat, and a few other articles of their clothing and accessories.

"It's alright....I have been there too once or twice at least" Adam said picking up their boards and propping them against the wall by the door. Pete's board automatically went into sleep mode, the lights on his shutting down giving a soft lullaby tune that lasted a couple seconds. "Impressive-"

"He stuff he makes-...I swear...anyways...I hope they aren't too much trouble...and don't make you uncomfortable..."

"Not at all, it's a learning thing for all of us. I mean there's a lot of angles this experience has on all of us" he said trying to tame his hair.

You grab a hold of his hands holding them down. "Don't...I like it this way..."

He blushes softly and relaxes the muscles in his hands listening to you. "Come on...don't think I didn't see those tired eyes of yours too..."

He lets out a tired sigh and kisses the top of your hand. "Nothing gets passed you does it?"

"Not much no...come on" you say leading him towards the bedroom helping each other out of your clothes before laying down in bed. He joins you at his side and looks at you with tired eyes. "You'll always be my Eve" he said clasping your hands in his, the warm beating of his heart coursing through his fingertips.

"And you'll be my Adam." You say kissing his lips softly which allowed him to drift off to sleep.

A few hours later in the night you open your eyes softly looking over at Ainosuke who was fast asleep nuzzled in his pillow. You slowly got out of bed and tiptoed over to his office.

You open the door silently and stepped inside looking at the ornate wardrobe that sat near his desk. Slowly grabbing the handles, with a small tug and click, the doors swung open where a horned board with a heart skewered with two swords stared back at you.

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