Guys Chat

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You felt your eyes getting heavier the moment Ainosuke had shut the door, the darkness settling in for your eyes to adjust. Looking over at the end of the bed, you noticed Ainosuke's matador jacket resting on the bed. With one quick grab, you pulled it back towards you hugging it close to your face inhaling it's scent of cedar and faint blend of cigarettes. In doing so, your mind felt more at ease as the comforting smells carried you off into a nights sleep.

Ainosuke saw your brothers gathered around the fire pit out on the balcony, bundled in blankets and talking amongst each other. He prepared himself a quick glass of aged bourbon from his collection after placing an ice sphere inside. The man looked at Tadashi who was still out cold on the couch in what looked to be a very odd way to hang onto. With that, he slid the glass door open going out to the balcony, shutting it behind him.

Your brothers all looked at Ainosuke as Jeremy looked behind him wondering where you went.

"Hey, where's Sophia?" He asked curiously.

"She was pretty tired after everything, can't blame she said she wanted to rest but for me to join you three if that's alright"

"Sure I suppose, we were just reminiscing and stuff" Jeremy replied.

" I gonna be the one to bring up what happened tonight?..." Michael said partaking from his stemmed glass.

Ainosuke couldn't help but blush knowing what he meant by those words. "R-right..."

"Let's get one thing straight, though we are her brothers and basically only family she keeps in contact with, we trust the decision she makes regarding you and that's her biz and will be happy when it happens" Michael said.

"Well I'd also like to say that in the time of us being here knowing nothing but what Sophia has told us about you before we came, you seem pretty chill and able to take care of her with her best interests in mind" Pete stated.

"We knew she'd more than likely attract a skater given her...well it seems negative to say obsession but it's true...anyways, we hoped she'd eventually let someone into her heart and stop being so callus like back in America" said Michael.

"Well first of all thank you for the compliment...but what do you mean by callus?...she was like that back then?"

Pete set down his empty beer bottle and sighed. "Back in America, she was halfway through college and was given a great job opportunity because of her exceptional abilities in business primarily revolving around skating because she was and still is pretty obsessed with the sport. They offered her a really well paying job after realizing her potential so she accepted and dropped out of school to try and take care of herself in a means for us to stop trying to help. She is one who can't accept charity from others and wanted to stop relying on us once she became a legal adult since we were the ones paying for each other's wellbeing."

"Ok..." Ainosuke said still listening in.

"So back to that, she immersed herself pretty deep in the job and climbed the ranks pretty quickly until she was on the board of skating. This has only been made to us recently but the reason she devoted so much of herself in the business aside from us bolstering her to live, was so that she could not think about Ace and our dad as well as building up savings to come over here to run away from him....which saddens us to hear but we know why she did it...hell we may have done it too if we were in her shoes..." Pete said.

"What my brother is trying to get at is that she gave all her time to her job and didn't want to get close to anyone so the attachment could possibly prevent her from running away or for her heart to get used and thrown away. I mean...she only really had us and no one else and it hurt her a lot more than us when dad died and she doesn't even associate with mother, not after she left for some hot shot with a lot of dough. I think she was just guarding herself so she wouldn't get hurt if people left her, that...and if Ace found her that they'd use those people as leverage to get under her skin." Michael stated swirling his wine in light circle motions.

Ainosuke took a swig from his glass and set it on the side table before crossing his arms thinking deeply. "I wish I was there back then to help her with all this and ensure it never happened..."

"With all due respect dude, I know my sister...and if she met you back then during all this Ace crap, she would've left you too just so you wouldn't get targeted by him. Whether you had money and power to possibly take him down or not, she would've ran away because she couldn't deal with the risks. We were shocked when she was given that opportunity here for work but now we know that it was also to protect us by keeping the distance." Jeremy said bundling up in his blanket.

The blue haired man let out a deep sigh gathering all the information he had just learned about you. "Well...I appreciate you all telling me things about her, though it may not be herself telling me these feels nice to know. I feel closer to her the more we talk about her..."

"You should because you do plan on her being your wife now" Pete said causing Ainosuke to turn pink in the cheeks.

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