Rose Hill, Tennessee

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I teleported home after a long day at the diner. The pay sucked for all of the crappy creepy men I had to deal with. I hated it, but I didn't have any other choice for work. I would've preferred to still be working at SHIELD, but I had to babysit. I opened the door. Suddenly I was covered in a thick substance and had a bucket on my head.

You've got to be joking!

I pulled the bucket off my head and threw it outside. I used magic to clean the slime off the floor. I slammed the door.

"Loki!" I stormed through the house to the bathroom.

I was so tired of working at the local diner. I had to leave Loki at home because it was the one place his magic was bound. I knew he was bored and needed something to pass the time, but couldn't he do something else? Having to clean up the mess everyday drove me crazy.

"Loki Odinson! I have had it! I don't care that you're bored! I am tired of you taking your boredom out on me! Your actions are the reason you are here!" I reached the bathroom and slammed the door open.

Loki was in the tub with a few fans blowing on him just like he was everyday when I come home. He looked up at me and smirked.

"What happened, Nyx? It looks like you got slimed. I wonder who could've done that?" I bit my lip.

This pompous ass prince is going to drive me crazy. One day I'm going to give him a taste of his own medicine.

"Get out of that tub. You are going to start doing things around here. This," I pointed at him, "isn't learning your lesson. Get up, now."

He smirked at me.

"If I don't?" That's it, I've had it.

I teleported him into the barn in a pile of horse crap. I leaned over the tub. I closed my eyes and grinded my teeth.

"Why can't you just be like you used to? I miss my friend." Tears gathered in my eyes.

I stood up and wiped away the tears. I would never have him back. He was gone. I drained the tub. I stripped and climbed into the shower.

I miss the Loki I fell in love with all those years ago.


I landed in something soft. I heard a whinny and realized I was in the barn. I looked down. Luckily I had been wearing shorts or else I would have to bathe again. When Nyx was angry she always made sure I ended up in the dirtiest part of the barn. I stood up and walked to the entrance of the barn. I stared at the house that had become my home here on Midgard. It wasn't that unbearable, but it wasn't my home. It had been a few months since we came here from Asgard. Nyx had quit working with the human Fury. She told him it was too painful because Phil had died. However she had said if it was an emergency anyone could contact her. That meant the Avengers and anyone they cared about. Nyx wasn't the same after she lost the mortal I killed.

She was always working, keeping busy. She didn't talk to me very much. We had meals together, but we never spent time together. It hurt and I was lonely, but I knew that I deserved it. She didn't. She didn't deserve how I was treating her. She never got mad at me for the things I did. She never took her anger out on me no matter what I did. She simply transported me to the barn. She would clean up and then come get me for dinner. I missed all the mischief we used to get into together. I missed her laugh, her smile. I never saw it anymore and I knew it was my fault. I had hurt her more than anyone else.

"Loki!" Nyx was in front of the house with her arms crossed.

She was angry. I walked to her.

"Look, Nyx," she held her hand up, "I don't want to hear it. Have you learned nothing here on Earth? Guess what? You get to clean up the next mess you make. I am done coddling you. I am done being nice and understanding."

She walked away from me.

"Do you hate me so much Nyx?" I spun around.

She stopped in her tracks. She was as still as a statue. She turned around and looked at me. She looked hurt.

"I don't hate you, Loki," I scoffed, "you sure act like it! You don't even smile anymore. You don't talk to me. You don't act like a friend! You act like I'm a nuisance! You don't talk to me anymore! You've become cold."

She looked down at the ground. She started trembling. She started taking deep breaths like she was trying to calm down.

"Nyx?" She looked up at me.

Oh shit. I screwed up.

Her eyes were glowing purple. I stepped back.

"You want me to be angry, Loki? You want me to show you my anger? You want me to sit down and have a meal, a conversation? I CAN'T! I can't because I am stuck watching over you! I have to see your face everyday! You know what I see when I go to sleep? You know why I throw myself into a stupid job that I hate? Do you know why I don't say anything to you? It's because all I see when I look at you is him! You're killing him! It plagues me at night when I go to sleep and it takes everything in me to not just scream at you, because I love you! I don't want to add to what Thanos did to you! I don't want to remind you of the things Thanos made you do. So I keep it to myself! I, I," she covered her face with her hands, "I'm just, I miss him so much."

Her breathing was labored. I took her into my arms. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her face against my chest. I felt her tears hit my chest. I held her tighter. I remember the first time she lost a parent. She locked herself away into her room and tried to deal with her feelings by herself. It didn't work then and it wasn't working now. I laid my head on hers. I should've never pushed her so hard.

"I'm sorry, Nyx. I'm sorry he's gone." She wailed against my chest.

I picked her up. Suddenly I was in clean clothes. That had to have been Nyx. I walked inside and went upstairs. She had quieted down a bit. I laid her down on her bed. She was asleep, but as I pulled away she gripped onto my shirt. I slid into her bed with her. She snuggled up against me.

"I missed you Lo." I smiled at her.

I missed you too, Nyx.

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