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I was in my room getting dressed.

"Nyx! Hurry up! Come here!" I sighed.

I hurriedly got dressed and I rushed down the stairs. Loki was in front of the TV. I sighed.

What could be so urgent?

"Nyx! It's the man of iron." I moved quickly.

Destruction was all that I saw. Tony's house had been blown to pieces. It felt hard to breathe.

You will never find me. I have targeted someone else you care about. You want to be a nuisance then I will make sure you lose those close to you.

I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. I saw Loki get closer, but all I saw was losing Phil. Tony was replacing him. I wouldn't believe Tony died until I had proof. The TV shut off and someone was in front of me. Everything sounded like I was hearing things as though I was underwater. I felt so angry.

"Nyx!" I looked up.

Loki was blue again. He was in his Jotunn form. I looked down and found my skin a red color. Like a fire giant. I took deep breaths and I turned back to normal. I pulled away from him. I rushed upstairs and grabbed the earpiece connected to Jarvis. I put it in my ear and turned it on. I needed to focus.

"Hello, Mrs. Coulson." I rushed to my dresser.

"Get me Pepper, now," I started changing, "I'm sorry, but Mrs. Potts doesn't have her phone right now."

"Then do whatever the hell you have to! I need to talk to her now! I don't care who's phone you call her from! Get me on the phone with Pepper now Jarvis!" I ran out of my room past a confused Loki.

I should've taken the time to speak to him, but if I did I would break down.

"Yes ma'am," I rushed outside, "Heimdall! I must speak with Thor! It is urgent!"

Nothing. No response. Bloody hell. I hated not being able to be seen by Heimdall.

"Fine! I'll do it my way!" I closed my eyes.

I cleared my mind. I pictured the gate where  Heimdall stood on the rainbow bridge. I pictured myself there. I opened my eyes and saw the bridge.

"You shouldn't be here, Lady Nyx." I turned.

I ignored what he said. Heimdall stood before me. He looked different from the last time I had seen him.

"I know I shouldn't, but I have no choice. Do you know where Tony Stark of Midgard is," Heimdall stayed silent, "I don't have time for this. Thanos did something, and the fact that Tony is missing ties to Thanos."

I listened in on his thoughts.

This isn't good. We still haven't found him. Yet he has succeeded in threatening Lady Nyx.

I bit my lip.

"Can you still see me on Midgard?" Heimdall shook his head.

I fear for her safety alongside Loki's. I can see Loki, but she is still hidden from me.

I was relieved that I was hidden from Heimdall. It meant Thanos couldn't see me. I shook my head. I needed to focus.

"Heimdall," he met my gaze, "Thanos got to us. He did more than just threaten. The day after I received his warning Tony Stark was presumed dead."

His eyes lit up in understanding, "you fear Thanos had a part in it and that I didn't see it?"

"I do. I have no reason to doubt him. I have every reason to believe he would target those closest to me. Phil's gone so anyone else he gained the knowledge of while Loki invaded Midgard is a target. He has infinity stones. So if he has certain stones he can do anything. So please, Heimdall, where is Tony Stark of Midgard?" He stepped forward.

He was almost flush against me. His golden eyes met mine.

"Focus on Tony Stark of Midgard, and I will show you where he is." I nod.

I take a deep breath and focus on Tony. My eyes lock with Heimdalls and we are on Midgard. I look around. We are in front of a large shed with three doors. A boy ran out. I caught a glimpse of the suit inside.

"Thank you Heimdall," we were back on Asgard, "Lady Nyx, please be careful."

I smiled at Heimdall, "I will. I will keep Loki safe as well. Please send my regards to Thor."

I bowed.

Iron Man: First MissionWhere stories live. Discover now