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Nyx had gone back to working. I was left at home. She didn't bind my magic again. She walked around like a zombie. She would make food for me, go to work, bring me home dinner, hug me, and go to bed. She cried herself to sleep most nights. I was worried for her. Fury stopped by after we returned home. He took one look at her and refrained from yelling at her. He turned to me and frowned.

"You better stay here. I will have people watching since your magic is unbound," he glanced at Nyx, "don't screw up, Loki. If you care about her don't fuck up this chance I'm giving you."

He walked away. I took his words seriously. I knew why Nyx was sad. She was waiting for Barton. Stark was one to keep his promises. The day came sooner than I expected. Nyx had just barely arrived home when there was a knock on the front door. Nyx glanced at it, but walked away. I went to the door and opened it. It was Barton. He looked angry.

"Where is Nyx?" I moved aside letting him in.

He stormed past me.


I didn't care to answer the door. I feared it might be Clint, but I hoped it wasn't.

"Nyx." My whole body tensed.

It was him. He sounded angry. I turned towards him. The anger on his face vanished. I looked down at myself.

Did I really look that bad?

"Nyx," I looked back up.

He was concerned. Tears gathered in my eyes. I blinked away the tears.

"I'm sorry, Clint." I looked away.

I heard footsteps. Then I was enveloped in a hug.


"I'm angry that I didn't hear it from you, kid, but I get it. I understand." It felt hard to breathe.

How could he forgive me so easily? I hid Loki from him. I, I!

"Kid," warm hands lifted my face, "I know you, Nyx. You fight with everything you have. You fight to protect those you care about. Keeping Loki close, no matter how much I don't like it, is because of Thanos. I know that, kid. I know you, Nyx."

His face became blurry.

"I'm still so sorry. I was just trying to do what I thought would keep everyone safe. Thanos threatened Tony. That's why I brought Loki. If he is actively trying to hurt those around me, then Loki is my only connection to him." I closed my eyes.


I saw the shadow under her eyes. The unhealthy look of her skin. She looked sick. She looked like she hadn't eaten in days. What she said made sense. I couldn't be mad at her for keeping around the only person who had a connection to the one responsible for New York. She always thought ahead. Never just in the here and now. I pulled her in for a hug. She tensed up, but then she started sobbing. Her legs gave out. I made sure to keep a hold of her. I slid to the floor with her and just held her. It wasn't too long before she fell asleep. I looked up as Loki entered the room. I didn't even notice he had left. He was tense and his hands were behind his back.

"She hasn't been the same since she got back from helping the man of iron. She hasn't eaten, hasn't laughed. Hasn't done anything. She works and sleeps. That's it. That's not living. She fears losing you and the rest of the Avengers. You're all she has left. Please don't punish her for my actions. Please?" He looked so broken.

I could see that he wasn't doing well either. He may have been using his magic to make himself seem fine, but the way his eyes looked told me everything I needed to know.

"I can't make any promises that everyone will understand, but I will do my best to get her back with us. Even if that means you come with her, so be it." Loki finally met my eyes.

He looked confused, "why? After everything I did to you? To the city of New York? Why would you risk that happening again?"

I stood with Nyx in my arms. I laid her down and tucked her in. I turned to Loki. He took a step back.

"Quit using illusion magic, Loki. Let me see the real you." He looked surprised.

He looked away and then I gasped. He wasn't doing well either. He had shadows under his eyes. His hair was unkempt. He looked tired. He was wearing human clothes that looked loose on him. I stepped closer to him. I saw him flinch. I saw a man who had been through hell. Whose mind was controlled. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"You did good helping her, Loki. You risked everything to prove yourself. You went on a mission to ensure her safety and someone else's safety. Someone she cared about. You took the first step, Loki. The first step in proving that you aren't just bad. You risked your life knowing that Tony could kill you to save someone she loved. Things may have not turned out completely how it was supposed to, but you still gave it your all. That's what matters." Loki met my gaze.

He looked so troubled and felt guilty.

"Loki?" I turned the same time he did.

Nyx looked between the both of us. Her eyes grew soft. She stood from her bed and walked up to the both of us.

"I am sorry that I have left you on your own, Loki. I'm also sorry that I didn't tell you Clint. I just. I was afraid. Afraid to lose the two most important people to me." I walked up to her and hugged her.

"It is alright. I understand, Nyx. Just as I know why you keep Loki with you. I will speak with Fury and have you brought home. It is time." She smiled at me.

"Thank you, Clint. From both of us." I nodded.

"I'll see you both soon." She smiled.

I left.

Iron Man: First MissionWhere stories live. Discover now