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I pulled open my laptop.

"Jarvis, access everything Tony looked at." Files opened across my screen.

I found something about an explosion, "no material for the bomb except, that."

It was what soldiers wore to be identified after death.

"What else did he find, Jarvis?" A map appeared on screen.

"Multiple bomb sites with a three thousand degree temperature at the time of detonation." So dog tags plus no bomb materials. Why?

I gasped. People. They were the bombs. Someone was making people go nuclear.

"Jarvis? Did Tony look into anyone or anything else," I bit my lip, "yes , ma'am. One Aldridge Killian."

I slammed my laptop and threw it in a bag, "get me everything on Killian and I mean everything. Where is Tony now?" I ran back downstairs and threw my bag on the couch.

"Last coordinates put him in the woods 2 miles outside of Rosehill, Tennessee." I could work with that.

I stopped in my tracks. What would I do with Loki? I looked over at Loki. He had just been watching me. He hadn't said a single word. I couldn't leave him here. It was also a risk to take him out into the world, but I would need his help with all of this.

"Jarvis," Loki looked at me, "one other thing I need you to track."

"Yes?" I glanced out the window.

"The mandarin as well. Track him. Find out where he is at, because if I know Stark then he will be searching for him as well." I sat down in a chair.

"Nyx?" I grit my teeth.

I could feel my eyes start to water. Not again. I didn't want to lose anyone again. I hated Thanos. I was so mad. So angry about this whole situation. I hated everything Thanos had done, and now he was causing more havoc on Earth. Targeting more people I cared about because I had decided to be a thorn in his side.

"Nyx!" I felt hands on my face.

They felt nice and cold. I closed my eyes. I needed to center myself and focus. Loki needed to be watched, Tony needed help, and Pepper needed assistance. I couldn't do this all by myself. I needed help. The only one I could ask was in front of me.

"Nyx, look at me." I opened my eyes.

Loki was worried. He was concerned and a little scared. I could see it in his eyes. I needed to pull myself together. Tony needed me and so did Loki. I took a deep breath.

"I'm okay. I just got overwhelmed." I would need Loki's help.

"Are you sure? Is it him?" Loki started trembling.

Lie. If you don't he will have a meltdown.

"No. Tony needs help, and I can't do this without help. I need you Loki. Will you help me?" It was a long shot.

I didn't think he would, not after New York.


"Are you sure? Is it him?" I couldn't say his name.

Nyx was worried about the man of iron and his woman. She shook her head.

"No. Tony needs help, and I can't do this without help. I need you Loki. Will you help me?" Nyx looked hopeful, but I could also see the doubt in her eyes.

I glanced down. She didn't think I would assist her. I wouldn't normally help. I would just leave it to her to solve. However, Nyx had lost so much. She lost another parent, and quit doing what she loved so she could watch over me. She was protecting me, but protecting Midgard from me as well. I looked up. She was anxious.

"Why me? Why not choose one of the heroes of Midgard?" A flash of hurt flashed across her face.

"You are my friend, and right now I need my friend. I don't need Hawkeye. I need you, Loki. You are who I am with. You are my choice because I don't have time to deal with how Clint will react to me having you on Earth all this time and not telling him. I know he would eventually understand, but I would understand that I could lose him because I chose to protect you. I also just don't have the time to explain everything. You are my person. Tony may hate me, but I will take that chance. Will you help me?" She looked desperate.

I didn't know if I could. I was still afraid none of this was real and that Thanos would pop up at any moment. However, this was Nyx. She was my friend and hadn't lied to me yet. I met her gaze. She was biting her lip.

She needs my help, and this is my chance to prove myself to the people of Midgard. To prove myself to her as well.

I smiled at her, "I'll help Nyx."

She smiled at me and hugged me, "thank you, Loki."

Iron Man: First MissionWhere stories live. Discover now