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I arrived at the loading dock that had hundreds of Tony's suits flying around fighting super humans. I couldn't make heads or tails of where Loki was.

Loki, can you hear me?

Nyx? You're okay? Where are you?

I sighed in relief. I felt like I could breath again. He was safe.

Don't worry about me. Just get yourself back to being Nyk. Preferably not in front of Tony. I don't need him to lose focus. I'm headed for the President.

I flew down and hovered in front of the president of the United States of America. He looked scared.

"I mean you no harm, Mr. President. I am Nyx. Tony's friend and a member of the Avengers. Let's get you out of that suit, sir." I heard my name.

I saw Rhodes sliding down one of the chains.

"Move, Nyx!" I saw the explosion behind him.

I flew backwards. I watched as Rhodes broke one of the chains. Rhodes and the President landed safely on a platform. I sighed in relief. I flew over to them.

"You need to get him back to the White House. Now. I'll stay and help Tony with my protege," I smiled at the president, "it was an honor to meet you, Mr. President. I'm glad you're safe and I hope we get to the bottom of whoever was responsible for this."

Rhodes picked him up, "thank you for your service, Nyx."

I smiled and saluted him. They flew off.

One less thing to worry about.

I heard a thud behind me. I spun around to see Killian. I knew him only from a picture, but that was enough to know who he was.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? I don't know you." I smirked.

"Well I know you. I also know that you had help. Help from an outside source to do your little experiments. They will fail. As will you!" I rushed towards him.

He swung. I dodged and kicked him hard. He went flying into a storage container. He came out glowing. It was like fire had been infused with his body. He blew fire. I dodged and lunged for him. I hit him in the face. Part of his jaw went flying. I stepped away as he was able to stand up. His body was fixing itself at an alarming rate. He grinned at me.

That's not good.

"Nyx! Watch out!" My comms were working.
I jumped out of the way. A suit went flying towards Killian.

"Took you long enough, kid. Why did your protege come instead?" I smiled.

Tony was safe, "I passed out from charging the suit Tony. I'm all good. Now where's Pepper? I'll get Pepper. Rhodes is returning the President to the White House. You deal with Killian."

"What about me, Nyx?" I saw Loki as Nyk.

I felt a pang in my chest. I couldn't stop myself. I pulled him into a hug.

Thank you so much, Loki. I got your letter. I am so proud of you, Loki. You have always been worthy in my eyes, always. Just as I forgave you a long time ago. I was just scared. Scared of losing you or anyone else ever again.

"Aw, what cute lovebirds. Y'know someone told me that you may be a thorn in my side," I turned to Killian, "oh did I hit a nerve. You, Tony, Pepper, and Loki will die."

"Did he just say Loki?" Tony heard Killian.

My body froze.

Shit. This man is mine.

Then I felt my anger course through my body. I flew at him. We went through storage container after storage container. I punched him, chipping away at his own body so fast that it was working overtime to regenerate. He would die. We hit a hard wall and I just kept wailing on him. I used my magic and entered his mind. I saw the day he met Thanos disguised as someone else. He could change his outward appearance, but I would never forget those eyes. Ever.

"You think that just because some being with some pretty stones gave you power makes you stronger than me? You are wrong!" I kept hitting him.

His body was heating up to drastic degrees. At this rate he would explode just like those soldiers.

"Stop! You will kill us both!" I grinned.

"Then so be it. This is how you shall die for all those soldiers you killed with your experiments. I will not perish, but you shall!" The heat became unbearable.

My body changed. I was a fire giant. I saw the horror in his gaze.

"The being who helped you forgot to mention something to you. I'm not human. I am Asgardian. It is you who shall perish today." I made my body overheat.

His body started crumbling and falling apart.

"No, he said I would win." Killian could no longer speak, "he lied."

The light faded in his eyes as his body finally turned to dust, "Nyx! Behind you."

Iron Man: First MissionWhere stories live. Discover now