Phone Call

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I woke up to my phone ringing. I groaned and shoved my face under the pillow. I felt drained. I didn't want to get up. The ringing stopped and then my phone rang again. I groaned.

"Bloody hell, just make that infuriating sound stop." I shot up.

I looked down. Loki was in my bed. We hadn't been this close in a long time. Flashes of last night came to mind. It took a minute to clear my head. I got up and grabbed my phone. It was Clint.

Oh man. I can't deal with this right now.

"Hey old man," I hear a chuckle, "hey kid. Wanted to see how you were doing?"

Right now, not great.

I bit my lip, "I'm good Clint, how are you?"

"I'm great, so are the munchkins. When are you going to come back to work?" I sighed.

I knew that was coming. I hate lying to him.

"I don't know, Clint. I miss it. I really do, but," I turned and glanced at Loki, "I have a responsibility now. One that takes precedence over the things I want to do."

I closed the bedroom door and sighed. I couldn't tell him about Loki. I knew how he would react.

"What responsibilities? Did you have a kid?" I chuckled.

"No old man, I didn't have a child. Though he acts like it sometimes." He gasped.

"You have a boyfriend and didn't tell me? What the hell, kid?" I sighed.

I hate lying to him, but I have no choice for now.

"He's not my boyfriend, old man. He's someone Fury has me babysitting," Clint snorted, "whatever you say, kid. I gotta go. It was nice talking to you. Stay safe kid."

I smiled, "I will, old man. You do the same."

My smile fell as I hung up. I never told Clint what I would be doing. Who I would be guarding here on Earth. I walked away from the bedroom door and sighed. I wish I could tell Clint, but I don't know how he would react. I remember how he was after he woke up from Loki's control. He hated it. He hated Loki so much. I couldn't face the disappointment that he would feel because of what I was doing. I stepped outside and went to the barn. I heard Magne whinny at me. I smiled and stepped up to his stall. He was as beautiful as his father. I missed his father, but I was great full to have Magne.

"Ready to go for a ride, Magne?" He whinnied.

I let him out and got onto him, "let's go!"

We were off.


I listened to Nyx's voice through the door. She hadn't told her team, except Fury that I was here? Why? I heard her walk away and I went to the window. I watched as she went to the barn and came riding out bareback on Magne. I saw the smile on her face. She looked so free and happy. I missed that when she would spend time with me. Smile and treat me like her friend. Stay by my side no matter what I have done. She rode around the fields and I simply watched. I wished I could be out there with her. I had tried before, but she had put Magne away the moment I tried. I thought back to last night. She had slept soundly through the night with me. That was different to how it was when she slept alone.

Nyx would wake up screaming in the middle of the night. It was always the same phrase, 'don't kill him, Loki, please.' I hated myself for causing that pain. I stepped away from the window and climbed back into her bed.

I'm sorry, Nyx. I really am.


I rode for a while and then took Magne back to the stables. I locked up and went back to the house.

I'm sorry, Nyx. I really am.

I stopped in front of the door to the house. I glanced down at the wood beneath my feet.

You have to forgive him, Nyx. Talk to him about what happened.

I turned and rested against the door. I looked up at the stars. They were pretty, but not the stars I missed most. I sighed and went inside. I needed to talk to him. I went to my bedroom and opened the door quietly. Loki was still awake and looked surprised to see me.

"I can leave, Nyx." I wanted him to.

At least a part of me did. I didn't want to stare at him any longer than I had to, but that wasn't fair to him. It wasn't fair that I was taking my pain out on him, because I knew it was mostly Thanos's fault Phil was dead. I closed the door behind me. I leaned against it. I needed to quit blaming Loki for everything just because it was easier.

"I don't want you to, Loki. I want to talk to you. I want what you want, Loki. I want my friend back. I want to laugh with you again, I want to do all the things we used to do. I want," I glanced down at the wood floor, "what Nyx?"

I couldn't say it. I was afraid things would change if I did. I know I had said it twice before, but he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. I bit my lip. I didn't want to hear him say he didn't feel the same way. I heard the bed shift. I looked up. Loki was standing in front of me. Those green eyes carried so much pain, sorrow, and guilt. I felt my eyes water. Thanos was to blame for that pain.

"I can't. I can't say it because I don't want you to disappear on me again. Vanish on me and then kill someone I care about. I can't do that. I don't want that to happen again. I don't want to lose you either. I am just so troubled, Loki." I kept my gaze focused on the floor.

"Nyx,"I bit my lip, "I am sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry that the m-your father here on Midgard died by my hand. I'm sorry."

It wasn't his fault. I felt a tear slip down my face. Loki hugged me. I froze.

"I'm here for you, Nyx. I am truly sorry." I hugged him back.

I couldn't be mad at him anymore. Not when it felt like I was home here in Loki's arms.

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