Back with the Avengers

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Nyx wasn't welcomed by many of the people she worked with. She still came back with me in tow. She didn't rebind my magic, but she did start training me. Not in ways of magic, but in the way of fighting. I had fighting training from Asgard, but not with human weapons. I did not go on missions. Neither did she, unless it was just us two. Which happened more often than not. We had our own floor. With everything that we would need to survive. Nyx was doing better now that she was back doing missions, but that didn't change the fact that Tony still ignored her. The hulk didn't speak to her either. Mainly because I was always with her. Clint was the only person who really came by. It hurt to see her so lonely. Nyx always swore she was fine. That things would get better. I know she feared that it wouldn't happen, but if Clint had come around. I had a feeling the other people she loved would too.

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